Topic of the day:-“The Indian version”

In the Indian context, given that the reform had to be evolved by taking into account the views of 29 States, two Union Territories with legislatures and the Union government, compromises are inevitable and it is impossible to expect the structure of the tax to be ideal. As stated by Bird and Gendron, some bad initial features may be an essential compromise to get the tax accepted in the first place. It would have been preferable to evolve the structure with two rates, one lower on items of common consumption and another general rate on consumer durables and luxuries. Notably, given that the VAT in the earlier regime had predominantly two rates, it should have been possible to convince the States of the need to fix the GST rates at two rather than four. In addition, the levy of three rates of cesses has further complicated the structure. Having four tax rates and three rates of cesses should have been avoided. As mentioned above, multiple rates create problems of classification, inverted duty structure and large-scale lobbying. It enormously complicates the technology platform to ensure input tax credit mechanism. It therefore appears desirable to move immediately towards three slabs with the final goal of reducing the slabs to two. It would also have been desirable for the “fitment committee” to evolve the rates by thinking afresh instead to merely adding up the excise and VAT rates to fit the item to the nearest rate decided. This is particularly relevant in the case of commodities which are predominantly inputs as in the earlier VAT regime they were placed in the lower rate category. Hopefully, the GST Council will act soon on this.


1) Herald

Meaning: A person or thing viewed as a sign that something is about to happen.

Example:”They considered the first primroses as the herald of spring”

Synonyms: Harbinger, Sign

2) Concern

Meaning: Make (someone) anxious or worried.

Example: “The roof of the barn concerns me because eventually it will fall in”

Synonyms: Worry, Disturb

3) Grappling

Meaning: Struggle to deal with or overcome (a difficulty or challenge).

Example: “Other towns are still grappling with the problem”

Synonyms: Tackle, Confront

Antonyms: Avoid

4) Forthcoming

Meaning: About to happen or appear.

Example:”The forthcoming cricket season”

Synonyms:  Imminent, Impending

Antonyms: Past, Current

5) Tweak

Meaning: Twist or pull (something) sharply.

Example:  “He tweaked the boy’s ear”

Synonyms: Twist, Tug

6) Reap

Meaning: Receive (something, especially something beneficial) as a consequence of one’s own or another’s actions.

Example:”The company is poised to reap the benefits of this investment”

Synonyms:  Receive, Obtain

7) Repealed

Meaning: Revoke or annul (a law or act of parliament).

Example:”The legislation was repealed five months later”

Synonyms:  Revoke, Rescind

Antonyms: Introduce, Enact

8) Bargains

Meaning: An agreement between two or more people or groups as to what each will do for the other.

Example:”Bargains between political parties supporting the government”

Synonyms:  Agreement, Arrangement

9) Contentious

Meaning: Causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.

Example:”A contentious issue”

Synonyms:  Controversial, Disputable

10) Lobbying

Meaning: Seek to influence (a legislator) on an issue.

Example:”They insist on their right to lobby Congress”

Synonyms: Importune, Persuade

11) Plunge

Meaning: Fall suddenly and uncontrollably.

Example: “A car swerved to avoid a bus and plunged into a ravine”

Synonyms:  Crash, Plummet

12) Anomalies

Meaning: Something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.

Example:”There are a number of anomalies in the present system”

Synonyms:  Oddity, Peculiarity

13) Inevitable

Meaning: Certain to happen; unavoidable.

Example:”War was inevitable”

Synonyms:  Unavoidable, Inescapable

Synonyms: Avoidable, Uncertain

14) Regime

Meaning: A government, especially an authoritarian one.

Example: “Ideological opponents of the regime”

Synonyms: Government, Rule

15) Predominantly

Meaning: Mainly; for the most part.

Example:”It is predominantly a coastal bird”

Synonyms:  Mainly, Mostly

16) Enormously

Meaning: To a very great degree or extent; considerably.

Example:”Quality of life varies enormously from one place to another”

Synonyms:  Very, Extremely

Antonyms: Moderately, Slightly

17) Merely

Meaning: Just; only.

Example:”Gary, a silent boy, merely nodded”

Synonyms:  Only, Purely

18) Inclusion

Meaning: The action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure.

Example: “They have been selected for inclusion in the scheme”

Synonyms:  Incorporation, Addition

Antonyms:   Exclusion, Omission

19) Augmenting

Meaning: Make (something) greater by adding to it; increase.

Synonyms:  Increase, Raise

Antonyms:   Decrease

20) Glitches

Meaning: A sudden, usually temporary malfunction or fault of equipment.

Example:”A draft version was lost in a computer glitch”