Topic of the day:-“Too inflationary”

But three things happened which vitiated these possibilities. First, many outstanding people who joined the party found themselves at odds with it, in fact sometimes conveying an aesthetic distaste for it. Second, many who joined it promising a new sense of solidarity across a variety of styles seemed to return to their old narcissism. Each was an egoist who thought he was the party. Third, AAP as an idea became inflationary. It threatened to promise an all-India impact when it was still a local phenomenon. The dream of AAP was bigger than the reality called AAP. Oddly, it is this very reaching for the impossible that brought it down. As Humpty Dumpty, it could be put together again only locally. The local dramas were of a different and more mundane kind. They had a more routine quality to them, from factionalism to the predictable melodrama of corruption. For a party that came in like a bunch of Savonarolas, its private lives were more questionable than its public face. A sense of scandal ate into the party. Oddly Mr. Kejriwal, as a leader, seemed strangely oblivious to all this. He seemed to read it as teething pains, convinced that some kind of naturopathy would cure both his asthma and the party’s growing sense of disorder. Also, he seemed less quixotic. It is as if he had switched costumes to be Hamlet while Manish Sisodia, Delhi’s Deputy Chief Minister, continued to play Sancho Panza. Also, the BJP kept gnawing at its edges, playing to the ambitions of lesser players. For all its publicised sense of ideological rectitude, the BJP was pragmatic about enticing floor crossers. The BJP could combine hypocrisy and pragmatism while AAP was expected to be idealistic. Yet for all this, it was the voter that insisted on sustaining the dream of AAP, convinced that AAP as a hypothesis, an alternative idea must survive. AAP remained the one party that could trounce the BJP. The BJP had to live with the irony that it swept India but could not win Lutyens’ Delhi. It was an irony it must have found painful as all its sanchalaks wondered when the fairy story called Arvind Kejriwal would end. But what local bosses could not do, the Lt. Governor could. He became a barrier to AAP, more loyal than the king. Many AAP experiments were still-born as he asserted his primacy over AAP. It was an odd case of the law upholding an appointed over an elected official. The battle between Mr. Kejriwal and Najeeb Jung became the Capital’s favourite Punch and Judy battle as the Congress and the BJP watched this development with obvious delight.


1) Redrawn

Meaning: Draw or draw up again or differently.

Example: “the rota was redrawn”

Synonyms: Draw, Prepare

2) Landscape

Meaning: All the visible features of an area of land, often considered in terms of their aesthetic appeal.

Example: “the soft colours of the Northumbrian landscape”

Synonyms: Aspect, Perspective

3) Fragmented

Meaning: Break or cause to break into fragments.

Example: “Lough Erne fragmented into a series of lakes”

Synonyms: Break, Explode

4) Hammered out

Meaning: to reach an agreement or solution after a lot of argument or discussion.

Example: Three years after the accident the lawyers finally managed to hammer out a settlement with the insurance company.

Synonyms: Decision, Decide

5) Short-sighted

Meaning: Lacking imagination or foresight.

Example: “a short-sighted government”

Synonyms: Narrow-minded, Narrow

Antonyms: Far-sighted, Imaginative

6) One-upmanship

Meaning: The technique or practice of gaining an advantage or feeling of superiority over another person.

Example: “the one-upmanship of who can get the best presents”

7) Patronage

Meaning: The power to control appointments to office or the right to privileges.

Example: “recruits are selected on merit, not through political patronage”

Synonyms: Partisanship, Favoritism

8) Marginalised

Meaning: Treat (a person, group, or concept) as insignificant or peripheral.

Example: “by removing religion from the public space, we marginalize it”

9) Subsumed

Meaning: Include or absorb (something) in something else.

Example: “most of these phenomena can be subsumed under two broad categories”

10) Concessions

Meaning: The action of conceding or granting something.

Example: “this strict rule was relaxed by concession”

Synonyms: Admission, Acceptance

Antonyms: Denial, Retention

11) Fledgling

Meaning: A person or organization that is immature, inexperienced, or underdeveloped.

Example: “the country’s fledgling democracy”

Synonyms: Emergent, Beginning

Antonyms: Mature

12) Flux

Meaning: Continuous change.

Example: “the whole political system is in a state of flux”

Synonyms: Variability, Instability

Antonyms: Stability

13) Squabbling

Meaning: Quarrel noisily over a trivial matter.

Example: “the boys were squabbling over a ball”

Synonyms: Quarrel, Argue

14) Exemplars

Meaning: A person or thing serving as a typical example or appropriate model.

Example: “the place is an exemplar of multicultural Britain”

Synonyms: Model, Ideal

15) Mundane

Meaning: Lacking interest or excitement; dull.

Example: “his mundane, humdrum existence”

Synonyms: Dull, Tedious

Antonyms: Extraordinary, Imaginative