1.Recently, how many Chinese apps have been banned by India including PUBG game?
a. 120
b. 135
c. 145
d. 118

ANSWER: d. 118
Chinese apps that have been banned by the government this time include mobile apps like Live, WeChat Work and WeChat Reading, Applock, Carrom Friends in addition to PUBG. In late June, India had banned 59 mobile apps from China including Tittock, Halo. Later in late July, 47 more Chinese apps were banned. In this way, 224 apps in China have been banned so far. The Ministry of Information Technology has decided to ban these mobile apps under Section 69A.

2.How many of the following domestic flights have been approved by the central government to Indian airlines?
a. 40 percent
b. 60 percent
c. 80 percent
d. 20 percent

ANSWER: b. 60 percent
central government has given approval for 60 percent domestic flights to Indian airlines. Earlier airlines were allowed to use only 45 percent of the network capacity. Due to the lockdown imposed on March 25 in the country, airlines were banned. Later on 25 May domestic flights were launched with a capacity of 33 percent. However, regular international flights are still banned in the country. The Ministry has revised the order of 26 June, allowing it to operate flights with 60 percent capacity instead of 45 percent capacity.

3.Himachal Pradesh government has decided to reduce which of the following percentage of syllabus for annual examinations?
a. 80 percent
b. 10 percent
c. 25 percent
d. 30 percent

ANSWER: d. 30 percent
Himachal Pradesh government has decided to reduce the syllabus by 30 percent for the annual examinations. Due to the schools being closed in the Corona epidemic, the annual examinations of the ninth to twelfth standard in the state government schools will be taken on the basis of 70 percent syllabus. Education Minister informed that now all schools in the state will have examinations in March itself. Himachal government has decided to call 50 percent teachers and non-teachers from 21 September.

4.India has jumped four places in Global Innovation Index (GII)?
a. 28th
b. 38th
c. 48th
d. 58th

India has been included in the top 50 countries for the first time in the 48th Global Innovation Index (GII). India jumped four places and reached the 48th position. India was ranked 81st in 2015, 66th in 2016, 60th in 2017, 57th in 2018 and 52nd in 2019. The list of the United Nations agency World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is based on the innovation performance of 131 countries and economies. Switzerland has retained its top ranking in this list. Sweden is second, America third, Britain fourth, Netherlands 5th, Denmark 6th, Finland 7th, Singapore 8th, Germany 9th and Republic of Korea 10th.

5.The Central Government has approved Kashmiri, Dogri, Hindi, English and which language as the official language of Jammu and Kashmir?
a. Urdu
b. Sanskrit
c. Tamil
d. Kannada

ANSWER: a. The Urdu
Union Cabinet approved the introduction of the Official Language Bill for Jammu and Kashmir. Under this, apart from Urdu and English, now Kashmiri, Dogri and Hindi will also be included in the list of official languages ​​of this union territory. Kashmiri will get Rajbhasha status for the first time in Jammu and Kashmir. At the same time, the already recognized Urdu and English will remain as the official language. Most people of the state use Dogri and Kashmiri languages, but both these local languages ​​were not given the status of official language.