Topic of the day:- Line Of Caution: On Suspension Of Cross-LoC Trade

 The Suspension Of Cross-LoC Trade Will Cause Hardship — It Must Be Revoked

 The Central government’s decision to suspend trade across the Line of Control between Jammu and Kashmir and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir is bad in conception and comes at a particularly fraught time. On April 18, the Ministry of Home Affairs announced the suspension from midnight of trade at the two designated points at Salamabad and Chakan-da-Bagh, citing concerns about “illegal weapons, narcotics and fake currency” being transported into India. It is also being argued that the zero-tariff barter arrangement is being violated through under-invoicing and the exchange of third-party items such as U.S.-origin California almonds. The first is presumably a way to transfer funds; and the second would be to exploit the zero-tariff trade, something brought up by traders who operate via the Wagah border. The government’s concerns may be well-founded, but the solution to violations of a trade agreement is to enforce the rules stringently, not stop exchange of goods and put at risk the livelihood of countless people on both sides of the LoC. At a protest in Srinagar against the trade suspension, for instance, a leader of the cross-LoC traders association argued that they had, in fact, themselves been seeking a “foolproof mechanism” to enforce the terms of the agreement.The benefits to the local economies from the cross-LoC trade are beyond doubt. It is estimated that since the barter trade commenced along two routes across the LoC in October 2008, employment to the order of more than 1.6 lakh days had been created. The volume of trade over the decade has crossed ₹6,000 crore. It must be kept in mind that the trade is mostly of local goods, and those employed, including in transportation, are from border communities. The opening of cross-LoC trade was among the confidence-building mechanisms that followed the 2003 India-Pakistan ceasefire along the line, and that included a bus service between Srinagar and Muzaffarabad (in PoK). The hope of the mid-2000s that people-to-people contact between those living in J&K and PoK would over time become obstruction-free has, for now, faded. But the LoC trade has held, with just the occasional disruption. The current suspension comes in the course of a shrill election campaign that the ruling BJP is relentlessly pulling towards its hard line on subjects such as Article 370 on the special status of J&K. The government has sent unsettling signals by closing the National Highway between Udhampur and Baramulla to civilian traffic for two days a week to secure the movement of troop convoys. To now summarily suspend LoC trade is to invite suspicion that the step has been taken without careful consideration of the consequences and also for political reasons. The suspension must be urgently revoked.


  1. suspend

Meaning: temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect.

Synonyms: exclude, debar, shut out

Antonyms: continue, resume

Example: “work on the dam was suspended”

  1. designated

Meaning: appoint (someone) to a specified office or post.

Synonyms:    appoint, nominate, depute, delegate

Antonyms: Removed

Example: “he was designated as prime minister”

  1. Citing

Meaning: refer to (a passage, book, or author) as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement, especially in a scholarly work.

Synonyms:    quote, reproduce

Antonyms: Conceal, Take

Example: “authors who are highly regarded by their peers tend to be cited”

  1. Barter

Meaning: exchange (goods or services) for other goods or services without using money.

Synonyms:    trade, swap, trade off, exchange

Antonyms: Keep

Example: “he often bartered a meal for drawings”

  1. Violated

Meaning: break or fail to comply with (a rule or formal agreement).

Synonyms:    contravene, breach, commit a breach of, infringe

Antonyms: comply with

Example: “they violated the terms of a ceasefire”

  1. presumably

Meaning: used to convey that what is asserted is very likely though not known for certain.

Synonyms:    I assume, I expect, I believe, I presume

Antonyms: Questionably, Uncertain, Unlikely

Example: “it was not yet ten o’clock, so presumably the boys were still at the pub”

  1. Exploit

Meaning:  make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource).

Synonyms: utilize, make use of, put to use, use

Antonyms: Failure, Idleness, Loss, Inaction

Example: “500 companies sprang up to exploit this new technology”

  1. stringently

Meaning: in a way that is strict, severe, or limiting:

Synonyms: Closely, Rigorously

Example: Fire regulations are stringently enforced in all our factories.

  1. enforce

Meaning: compel observance of or compliance with (a law, rule, or obligation).

Synonyms: Accomplish, Administer

Antonyms: Cease, Halt, Not Finish, Refuse, Stop

Example: “the role of the police is to enforce the law”

  1. Ceasefire

Meaning: a temporary suspension of fighting; a truce.

Synonyms:    armistice, truce, peace, suspension of hostilities

Antonyms: Dispute, Fight, War

Example: “the latest ceasefire seems to be holding”


Meaning: the action of obstructing or the state of being obstructed.

Synonyms: Blockage

Antonyms: Aid, Assistance

Example: “walkers could proceed with the minimum of obstruction”

  1. Shrill

Meaning: (of a voice or sound) high-pitched and piercing.

Synonyms:  high-pitched, piercing, high, sharp, ear-piercing, ear-splitting

Antonyms:     low, soft, dulcet

Example: “a shrill laugh”

  1. Relentlessly

Meaning: in an unceasingly intense or harsh way.

Synonyms: Constantly, Continously

Example: “Joseph worked relentlessly

  1. Unsettling

Meaning: causing anxiety or uneasiness; disturbing.

Synonyms: Alarming, Creepy, Depressing

Antonyms: Delightful, Comforting

Example: “the finale may come as an unsettling shock”

  1. revoked

Meaning: officially cancel (a decree, decision, or promise).

Synonyms:    cancel, repeal, rescind, reverse, abrogate, annul

Antonyms: introduce, enact, ratify

Example: “the men appealed and the sentence was revoked”