Topic: Reflection on National Values and Principles

As the country prepares to celebrate its national day, there is a need to reflect on the values and principles outlined in the preamble of the constitution. While the past year has been tumultuous, with divisive issues causing much debate and controversy, it is important to hold on to the tenacity of our beliefs and remain united. The imminent threat of climate change requires us to concede that immediate action is necessary, and we must all work together to make a positive impact. The recent influx of migrants has had both positive and negative repercussions on the economy, and there is a need to balance their arrival with the needs of the existing population. The government’s rhetoric on the issue has been widely debated, with some arguing for more support and others advocating for stricter controls. Despite the vexed issue, there is a sense of optimism and a belief that we can overcome the challenges we face with determination and perseverance.

The Hindu Editorial Words with meanings, synonyms, and antonyms 

  1. Preamble – (noun) a preliminary or introductory statement, especially the introductory part of a constitution or statute, that explains the purpose or scope of the document. Example: The Indian Constitution’s preamble outlines the basic values and principles of the country’s democracy.
  2. Divisive – (adjective) causing disagreement or hostility between people. Example: The politician’s divisive rhetoric inflamed tensions between different communities.
  3. Vexed – (adjective) difficult and much debated, often resulting in disagreement or controversy. Example: The issue of climate change is a vexed one, with different opinions on how to tackle it.
  4. Tenacity – (noun) the quality of being tenacious, i.e., holding firmly to a purpose, belief, or course of action; persistence. Example: The athlete’s tenacity in training every day paid off in winning the gold medal.
  5. Imminent – (adjective) about to happen. Example: The imminent arrival of the hurricane prompted residents to evacuate the area.
  6. Concede – (verb) to admit that something is true or valid after first denying or resisting it. Example: The company finally conceded that their product was defective and issued a recall.
  7. Tumultuous – (adjective) characterized by a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty. Example: The country went through a tumultuous period of political upheaval after the disputed election.
  8. Rhetoric – (noun) the art of using language effectively and persuasively, especially in public speaking or writing. Example: The politician’s rhetoric was highly effective in winning over voters during the election campaign.
  9. Influx – (noun) an arrival or entry of large numbers of people or things. Example: The city experienced an influx of tourists during the holiday season.
  10. Repercussion – (noun) an unintended consequence or result of an event or action, especially a negative one. Example: The decision to cut funding for education had serious repercussions on the quality of schools.