Call for consensus: On the Prime Minister’s pledge and the 18th Lok Sabha

Parliament should give room for extended debates and disagreements

Mr. Modi’s call for consensus and parliamentary debates can be a reassuring sign of a healthy democracy, but only if that statement is translated into tangible action. Union Minister Rajnath Singh, who has emerged as the government’s key interlocutor, has reached out to Opposition leaders, and such interactions should become frequent. Consensus may be unachievable in many instances, and may not even be necessary in some cases. By demonstrating a commitment to sharing power within the ruling alliance and with the Opposition, Mr. Modi could expand his political authority and legitimacy. Beyond the limited tactical question of the stability of the government, in which the BJP is shy of a majority by 32 seats, the building of coalitions should be treated as a cornerstone of India’s progress and prosperity. The first session of the new Lok Sabha should set the tone for extended debates, more room for disagreements and the pursuit of common ground across parties. The proceedings of the House and of Committees fell short on these counts during the last two terms of the Lok Sabha. As the leader of the ruling coalition, the BJP should demonstrate a renewed commitment to the norms and substance of Parliament and the Opposition should respond constructively.