1. PALTRY (NOUN): small or meager

Synonyms: paucity, insufficiency

Antonyms: abundance, enough

Example Sentence: Although I paid a great deal for the gourmet meal, I only received a paltry amount of food on my plate.


  1. ALTRUISTIC (NOUN): donor

Synonyms: patron, philanthropist

Antonyms: opponent, antagonist

Example Sentence: His altruistic habits worry his friends are relatives.


  1. CONTEMPORANEOUS (ADJECTIVE): Originating, existing, or happening during the same period of time

Synonyms: simultaneous, contemporary

Antonyms: different, separate

Example Sentence: The contemporaneous court cases for the two defendants.


  1. COLTISH (ADJECTIVE): full of spirit

Synonyms: lively, playful

Antonyms: depressed, down

Example Sentence: The Professor’s coltish Daughter regained her adolescent poise, which was considerable.


  1. PECKISH (ADJECTIVE): deprived of food

Synonyms: craving, hungry

Antonyms: satisfied, fed

Example Sentence: He felt rather peckish close to bedtime.


  1. SARTORIAL (ADJECTIVE): pertaining to tailors

Synonyms: stylish, elegant

Antonyms: frumpy, dumpy

Example Sentence: Today, the sartorial movement is starting to make a comeback.



Synonyms: cavalier, haughty

Antonyms: modest, unassuming

Example Sentence: With her overweening ego, the actress expected to be recognized and flattered by everyone she met.


  1. REPROOF (NOUN): censure

Synonyms: blame, criticism

Antonyms: agreement, approval

Example Sentence: There were tears in the poor girl’s voice, and she evidently felt her brother’s reproof keenly.


  1. TUTELARY (ADJECTIVE): protecting

Synonyms: guardian, advisory

Antonyms: careless, inattentive

Example Sentence: It is commonly believed that the negro claims the power of coercing his tutelary deity.


  1. CAULK (VERB): secure,

Synonyms: block, barricade

Antonyms: free, loosen

Example Sentence: It only remained to caulk our important task, and this occupied us but a day or two longer.