Q1 : People who work together

  1. Worker
  2. Superhuman
  3. Colleagues
  4. Expert


Q2 : One who goes on foot

  1. Machination
  2. Pedestrian
  3. Transmigration
  4. Eccentric


Q3 : One who can speak two languages

  1. Bilingual
  2. Polylingual
  3. Polygamy
  4. Oligarchy


Q4 : Word with the same meaning

  1. Antonyms
  2. Idioms
  3. Noun
  4. Synonyms


Q5 : The person who works for free

  1. Member
  2. Volunteer
  3. Organiser
  4. Servant


Q6 : One who speaks less

  1. Reticent
  2. Misogynist
  3. Hypocrite
  4. Obsolete


Q7 : One who talk in sleep

  1. Celibate
  2. Intestate
  3. Somniloquy
  4. Gullible


Q8 : One who knows everything

  1. Egoist
  2. Vandal
  3. Omniscient
  4. Gullible


Q9 : Practice of having several husbands

  1. Bigamy
  2. Polyandry
  3. Omnipotent
  4. Inimitable


Q10 : Life history written by oneself

  1. History
  2. Biography
  3. Autobiography
  4. Novel


Q11 : The person who collects coins

  1. Numismatist
  2. Oologist
  3. Arctophile
  4. Notaphilist


Q12 : The person who collects stamps

  1. Notaphilist
  2. Scripophilist
  3. Coleopterist
  4. Philatelist


Q13 : A Government by the few

  1. Plagiarist
  2. Oligarchy
  3. Autocracy
  4. Plutocracy


Q14 : One who believes in god

  1. Gnostic
  2. Agnostic
  3. Atheist
  4. Theist


Q15 : The person who believe in one god

  1. Monoicous
  2. Monotheism
  3. Polytheists
  4. Deists


Q16 : Murder of a mother

  1. Patricide
  2. Infanticide
  3. Matricide
  4. Suicide


Q17 : Person who writes with both hands

  1. Ambisinistrous
  2. Ambidextrous
  3. Epitaph
  4. Ventriloquist


Q18 : Person who walks in sleep

  1. Somnambulist
  2. Mercenary
  3. Misogynist
  4. Idolatry


Q19 : One who is unmarried

  1. Insolvent
  2. Celibate
  3. Misogynist
  4. Agnostic


Q20 : Killing of another human being

  1. Genocide
  2. Homicide
  3. Nemesis
  4. Anodyne



1.Answer : Option 3 – Colleagues

2.Answer : Option 2 – Pedestrian

3.Answer : Option 1 – Bilingual

4.Answer : Option 4 – Synonyms

5.Answer : Option 2 – Volunteer

6.Answer : Option 1 – Reticent

7.Answer : Option 3 – Somniloquy

8.Answer : Option 3 – Omniscient

9.Answer : Option 2 – Polyandry

10.Answer : Option 3 – Autobiography

11.Answer : Option 1 – Numismatist

12.Answer : Option 4 – Philatelist

13.Answer : Option 2 – Oligarchy

14.Answer : Option 4 – Theist  

15.Answer : Option 2 – Monotheism

16.Answer : Option 3 – Matricide

17.Answer : Option 2 – Ambidextrous

18.Answer : Option 1 – Somnambulist

19.Answer : Option 2 – Celibate

20.Answer : Option 2 – Homicide

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