Current updates (IN ENGLISH) of 05 Oct. 2016


DIRECTIONS(Q.1-6) Select the phrase/connector from the given three options which can be used to form a single sentence from the two sentences given below, implying the same meaning as expressed in the statement sentences.




1.Tom is ambitious.

2.His brother is quite the reverse.


(i) since

(ii) either- or

(iii) whereas


(a) (i) & (ii)

(b) (i), (ii) and (iii)

(c) Only (ii)

(d) Only (iii)

(e) (i)

Answer: d





1.You must work hard.

2.You will not win.


(i) whether – or

(ii) otherwise

(iii) no sooner -than


(a) (i) & (ii)

(b) (i), (ii) and (iii)

(c) Only (ii)

(d) Only (iii)

(e) (i)

Answer: c






1.My father hardly received any formal education.

2.He went on to become a great leader.

(i) who

(ii) that

(iii) whichever


(a) (i) & (ii)

(b) (i), (ii) and (iii)

(c) Only (ii)

(d) Only (iii)

(e) (i)

Answer: e






  1. We’ve known each other for a long time.
  2. We are not very good friends.

(i) although

(ii) along with

(iii) but


(a) (i) & (ii)

(b) (i), (ii) and (iii)

(c) Only (ii)

(d) Only (iii)

(e) (i)

Answer: e






1.The teachers were present at the meeting.

  1. The headmaster was present at the meeting.

(i) while

(ii) as well as

(iii) even though


(a) (i) & (ii)

(b) Only (i)

(c) Only (ii)

(d) Only (iii)

(e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

Answer: c






1.Ann has been invited to the party.

2.Mary has been invited to the party.


(i) However

(ii) as well as

(iii) Not only….but also


(a) (i) & (ii)

(b) Only (iii)

(c) Only (i)

(d) Only (ii)

(e) (i), (ii) and (iii)


Answer: b




Directions (Q.7-10): In each of the following questions, five options are given, of which one word is  most nearly the same or opposite in meaning to the given word in the question. Find the correct option having either same or opposite meaning. 


Q.7 Demure

(a) probity

(b) scurrilous

(c) rueful

(d) indecorous

(e) rubicund

Ans- d




Q.8 Laconic

(a) arduous

(b) succinct

(c) debonair

(d) Audacious

(e) peer





Q.9 Neophite

(a) fecund

(b) candid

(c) laconic

(d) churlish

(e) novice





Q.10 frugal

(a) Quell

(b) extravagant

(c) exonerate

(d) gullible

(e) genuine

ANS- b


Directions (Q.11-20): Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blanks to make the sentence meaningfully complete. 


11.North Korea often fires short-range missiles _____ tensions rise on the Korean peninsula. Pyongyang gets particularly upset ____ the annual U.S.-South Korea drills, which, it says, are preparations for an invasion.









12.The Southern Railway has launched an initiative ____ would enable women travelling on long-distance overnight trains to request _______ change of their berth.









13.Nehra has shown terrific ambition to prove his critics wrong. The old warhorse from Delhi has been the real ______ package and former India coach Greg Chappell must be wondering how Nehra, likened to a brittle, thin wafer, has ______ to pull off this seeming miracle.










14.Thirteen banks, led by State Bank of India (SBI), ______ by Attorney-General Mukul Rohatgi and advocate Robin Ratnakar David, told a Bench of Justices Kurian Joseph and Rohinton Nariman _____ the liquor baron is said to have left the country on March 2, the day they approached the DRT.










15.North Korea has a large stockpile of short-range missiles and _____ developing long-range and intercontinental missiles as well. The missiles fired ___ Thursday flew about 500 km (300 miles) off its east coast city of Wonsan and were likely from the Soviet-developed Scud series, South Korea’s Defence Ministry said.









16.The National Green Tribunal (NGT) which _______ a fine of Rs. 5 crore on Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s Art of Living (AoL) Foundation on Wednesday, before giving the go-ahead for its World Culture Festival on the flood plains of the Yamuna, said it was unable to ________ the event.




D.imposed, prohibit






17.In the two decades since it was first presented in Parliament, different governments _____ tried clearing it but faced tremendous opposition, often accompanied ____ manhandling and name-calling.









18.Earlier, Former India captain Sourav Ganguly and his Pakistan counterpart Inzamam-ul-Haq have called for the ______ of bilateral series as it will improve ______ between the two nations.










19.he Haryana government will install an early earthquake_______system at New Secretariat Building ____ Sector 17, Chandigarh on March 14.










20.Both ……. And ……..,Wilson seldom spoke and never spent money.

(a) vociferous , generous

(b) garrulous , stingy

(c) effusive , frugal

(d) taciturn , miserly

(e) reticent , munificent

Ans- d


Directions (Q.21-30) : In the following questions, some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, your answer is (d) i.e. No error


(a) Despite the merger

(b) the airline has reported

(c) sizeable losses and is unable

(d) to pay their employees.

(e) No Error

Ans- D




(a) We have recently began

(b) the process of recruiting

(c) insurance agents for

(d) our North-Eastern branches.

(e) No Error

Ans- A




(a) The company’s decision to issue

(b) bonus shares clearly indicates

(c) the management’s confident

(d) about the future

(e) No Error

Ans- C




(a) In spite that organisations are aware

(b) of the importance of IT,

(c) they often do not know

(d) how to deploy it effectively.

(e) No Error

Ans- A




(a) keeping in mind that India

(b) is one of the world’s fastest

(c) growing economy, many international

(d) companies are invested in India.

(e) No Error

Ans- D




(a) Although interlinking of rivers will

(b) help tackle drought, the governments

(c) does not pay much

(d) attention to this project.

(e) No Error

Ans- E




(a) The rise in prices of food items is

(b) likely the cause of inflation

(c) to exceed eight per cent

(d) during the next quarter.

(e) No Error

Ans- B




(a) Many people believe that

(b) the nationalisation of banks

(c) in the 1960s have protected India

(d) from the current financial crisis.

(e) No Error

Ans- C




(a) RBI is in favour

(b) of amending currently

(c) policies governing operations of

(d) foreign banks in India.

(e) No Error

Ans- B




(a) These recently upgraded branch offices

(b) have been fully computerised

(c) and are connected to headquarters

(d) to ensure proper monitoring.

(e) No Erro

Ans- C




Directions (Q. 31-35) : Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5) , i.e. No error. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.)



  1. Patriots of every country  have one thing in common  and that the love for their motherland.
    (A)Patriots of every country
    (B)have one thing in common
    (D)that the love for their motherland.
    (E)No error
    ANS- D



  1. 3 He who knows all the pros and cons  of any problem  can wield a lot of power.
    (A)He who knows
    (B)all the pros and cons
    (C)of any problem
    (D)can wield a lot of power.
    (E)No error
    ANS- e
  2. Not only he but also his sons was  blamed for the act and rightly so.
    (A)Not only he but
    (B)also his sons was
    (C) blamed for the
    (D)act and rightly so
    (E)No error
    ANS- b
  3. None else  should held responsible for this accident and the loss.
    (A)None else
    (B)should held responsible
    (C)for this accident
    (D)and the loss.
    (E)No error
    ANS- b
  4. I am obliged with you and your entire family  for showing kindness  and generosity towards us.
    (A)I am obliged with you
    (B)and your entire family
    (C)for showing kindness
    (D)and generosity towards us.
    (E)No error
    ANS- a

Directions (Q. 36-40): Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph, then answer the questions given below them.

(A) It was completely wet and useless now.

(B) He therefore did not think it was necessary to delay joining the battle to repair it.

(C) The Indian navy thus suffered a defeat because a small leak was neglected.

(D) An Indian Captain received a report from his men that the ship had sprung a leak.

(E) The ship reached the scene of the battle in time but unfortunately it was found that seawater had got into the gunpowder.

(F) It was only a minor one though.


  1. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A
    2) B
    3) C
    4) D
    5) E
    Ans- D
  2. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A
    2) B
    3) C
    4) D
    5) E
    Ans- A
  3. Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after rearrangement?
    1) B
    2) C
    3) D
    4) E
    5) F
    Ans- B


  1. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
    1) B
    2) C
    3) D
    4) E
    5) F
    ANS- E



  1. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A
    2) B
    3) C
    4) D
    5) E
    ANS- B



Directions (Q.41-45). Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is ‘No error’, the answer is ‘e’. (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any).




41.Two students have been arrested by the police who are believed to be involved in the robbery.

(a) Two students have

(b) been arrested

(c) by the police who are believed

(d) to be involved in the robbery

(e) No error

Ans- c




42.The price of his bike is higher than your bike.

(a) The price

(b) of his bike is

(c) higher

(d) than your bike

(e) No error

Ans- d




43.No sooner the bell rang than the peon entered the class.

(a) No sooner the bell rang

(b) than the peon

(c) entered

(d) the class

(e) No error

Ans- a




44.Shanky was happy that Garima and his sister was going on the same bus next day.

(a) Shanky was happy that Garima and

(b) his sister was going

(c) on the same bus

(d) next day

(e) No error

Ans- b




45.George tested the driver to see if he could read English.

(a) George tested

(b) the driver to see

(c) if he could

(d) read English

(e) No error

Ans- b




Directions(Q.46-50):Substitute the phrases in Inverted commas/Bold by a suitable word from among the given choices.




46.Rajan has a special fascination for his ‘alma mater’:

(a) an old mother

(b) on old lady

(c) the institution where he has been educated

(d) an old unmarried woman

(e) an old man

Ans- c




47.Reema was in the ‘seventh heaven’ when she heard the news of her son’s success.

(a) very happy

(b) excited

(c) sing

(d) dreams

(e) sad

Ans- a




48.Right in the beginning of the discussion he ‘got into hot water’.

(a) cooked good food

(b) took a bath in hot water

(c) got into trouble

(d) was very selective

(e) felt uncomfortable

Ans- c




49.Wherever Ram goes he tries ‘to steal a march’.

(a) to outshine others

(b) to start early

(c) to overtake

(d) to command an army

(e) to look friendly

Ans- a




  1. Rohan helps an injured lady and proved to be a ‘good samaritan’.

(a) an honest man

(b) a rich man

(c) a beggar

(d) a charitable man

(e) a good priest

Ans- d



Directions (Q.1-10): In each of the following questions, five options are given, of which one word is the most nearly the same or opposite in meaning to the given word in the question. Find the correct option having either same or opposite meaning.





Q.1 Alleviate






Ans- d





Q.2 Soporific

(a) compatible

(b) invigorating




Ans- b





Q.3 Alacrity

(a) adept

(b) acrimonious


(d) lackadaisical

(e) ominous

Ans- c





Q.4 Agile





(e) acute

Ans- a





Q.5 Opulent

(a) demise

(b) cessation



(e) penurious

Ans- e





Q.6 Sordid


(b) efface



(e) immaculate

Ans- e





Q.7 Orthodox





(e) swift

Ans- d





Q.8 Perfidious






Ans- e





Q.9 Pernicious


(b) fumble


(d) nemesis

(e) numb

Ans- c





Q.10 Penury





(e) obtuse

Ans- d





Directions (Q.11-20): Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.


  1. This is the result of a growing consensus that far from being a harm-free alternative as claimed by industry lobbies, e-cigarettes could sooner or later lure consumers to take up the real thing.
  2. In the U.S., e-cigarettes cannot be sold to people under 18 years of age.
  3. In tandem with the latest restrictions on how cigarettes are packaged, the EU and the U.S. have clamped down on the sale of electronic cigarettes.
  4. Curiously, it was when the new nicotine-based substitute began to make inroads that some tobacco giants were more willing to acknowledge the toxic chemicals and carcinogens released while smoking.
  5. That ruling may still be some time away. But the public health campaign must continue apace with the enforcement of extensive curbs on smoking in public spaces.
  6. However, they continue to pin their hopes on a challenge at the WTO, which they are fighting together with countries that have strong interests in the tobacco crop.





(11) Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) E

Ans- c





12) Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) E

Ans- b





13) Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) E

Ans- a





14) Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) E

Ans- d





15)Which of the following should be the SIXTH (last) sentence after rearrangement?

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) E

Ans- e





Directions (Q.16-18): Choose the word/group of words which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning to the word/ group of words printed in bold as used in the passage.






(a) Shallow

(b) Cheerful



(e) Yearning

Ans- e






(a) Thoughtless

(b) Pensive



(e) Miserable

Ans- b






(a) Unravel

(b) Becloud



(e) Analyze

Ans- b





Directions (Q.19-20): Choose the word/group of words which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning of the word/ group of words printed in bold as used in the passage.







(a) Derisive

(b) Mocking



(e) Contemptuous

Ans- d






(a) Conceal

(b) Demonstrate



(e) Exemplify

Ans- a





Directions (Q.21–25) : Rearrange the following six sentence A), B), C), D), E) and F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.


  1. A) While email remains a significant attack vector for cyber criminals, they continue to experiment with new methods across mobile devices and social networks to reach more people with less effort.


  1. B) According to a report, India ranked second among nations that were most targeted for cyber crimes through the social media in 2014, after the U.S.


  1. C) India’s growing social media population proved to be a ready base for them.


  1. D) Cybercriminals are now using social networking sites to target users in India.


  1. E) Over 80 per cent of these scams were shared manually as attackers took advantage of people’s willingness to trust content shared by friends.
  2. F) India had the second highest number of social media scams globally and the highest in the Asia-Pacific region.





  1. Which of the following would be the ‘FIRST’ sentence after rearrangement?

(a) C

(b) D

(c) B

(d) F

(e) E

Ans- b





  1. Which of the following would be the ‘LAST’ (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement?

(a) E

(b) C

(c) D

(d) F

(e) A

Ans- a





  1. Which of the following would be the ‘FOURTH’ sentence after rearrangement?

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) E

Ans- c





  1. Which of the following would be the ‘THIRD’ sentence after rearrangement?

(a) E

(b) C

(c) F

(d) D

(e) A

Ans- e





  1. Which of the following would be the ‘SECOND’ sentence after rearrangement?

(a) D

(b) A

(c) C

(d) B

(e) E

Ans- d





Directions (26-30): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is ‘No error’ the answer is (e). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any)





  1. 2 Dealing with risk and the need for teamwork is oftenly a part of the experience.

(a) Dealing with risk

(b) and the need

(c) for teamwork is

(d) oftenly a part of the experience.

(e) No error

Ans- d





  1. In the most general sense, drought originates from a deficiency of precipitation in an extended period of time– usually a season or more–resulting in a water shortage for some activity, group or environmental sector.

(a) In the most general sense,

(b) drought originates from a deficiency of precipitation

(c) in an extended period of time– usually a season or more–resulting in a water shortage

(d) for some activity, group or environmental sector.

(e) No error

Ans- c





  1. Light from many different sources contains various colors each with its own brightness or intense.

(a) Light from many

(b) different sources contains

(c) various colors each with its own

(d) brightness or intense.

(e) No error

Ans- d





  1. When all the visible frequencies are present equally the perceived color of the light is white and the spectrum is flat line.

(a) When all the visible frequencies are present equally

(b) the perceived color

(c) of the light is white

(d) and the spectrum is flat line.

(e) No error

Ans- d





  1. An earthquake results from the sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust that creates seismic wave.

(a) Earthquake results

(b) from the sudden release of energy

(c) in the Earth’s crust

(d) that creates seismic wave.

(e) No error

Ans- d





Directions (31-40): In the following questions, All/some of the sentences have errors. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is the answer.





Q31. The number of students (a)/ competing in the event (b)/ has been fallen (c)/ because of want of incentive. (d)/ No error (e)

(a) The number of students

(b) Competing in the event

(c) Has been fallen

(d) Because of want of incentive

(e) No error

Ans- c





Q32. I am grateful to you (a)/ and all your friends (b)/ by extending required help (c)/in my hour of need. (d)/ No error (e)

(a) I am grateful to you

(b) And all your friends

(c) By extending required help

(d) In my hour of need

(e) No error

Ans- c





Q33. Ramesh has been both (a)/an intelligent (b)/ and hardworking chap (c)/ since his childhood. (d)/ No error (e)

(a) Ramesh has been both

(b) An intelligent

(c) And hardworking chap

(d) Since his childhood

(e) No error

Ans- c





Q34. A small piece (a)/of bread is (b)/certainly better than (c)/ being nothing to eat. (d)/ No error (e)

(a) A small piece

(b) Of bread is

(c) Certainly better than

(d) Being nothing to eat

(e) No error

Ans- d





Q35. It was clear from the way (a)/ they were moving (b)/ that everyone possessed (c)/ the required experience. (d)/ No error (e)

(a) It was clear from the way

(b) They were moving

(c) That everyone possessed

(d) The required experience

(e) No error

Ans- c





Q36. The fact that he (a)/ cannot be able to sing (b)/ is known only (c)/ to very few people. (d)/ No error (e)

(a) The fact that he

(b) Cannot be able to sing

(c) Is known only

(d) To very few people

(e) No error

Ans- b





Q37. That boy has (a)/ three precious objects, (b)/ and he would not (c)/ part for any one of them. (d)/ No error (e)

(a) That boy has

(b) Three precious objects

(c) And he would not

(d) Part for any one of them

(e) No error

Ans- d





Q38. When he used to walk (a)/ along the road, (b)/ a wild and ferocious dog (c)/ knocked him down. (d)/ No error (e)

(a) When he used to walk

(b) Along the road

(c) A wild and ferocious dog

(d) Knocked him down

(e) No error

Ans- a





Q39. Though he was (a)/ No relating to me, (b)/ I helped him by (c)/ giving money and profitable advice. (d)/ No error (e)

(a) Though he was

(b) No relating to me

(c) I helped him by

(d) Giving money and profitable advice

(e) No error

Ans- b





Q40. People who are (a)/ fortunate enough to own (b)/ a house in the city (c)/ are very few. (d)/ No error (e)

(a) People who are

(b) Fortunate enough to own

(c) A house in the city

(d) Are very few

(e) No error

Ans- b





Directions (41-50): In each of the statements below, a part of the sentence is highlighted. Out of the four options which follow, choose the one which best replaces the highlighted phrase.





Q41. Your good gesture will highly appreciate.

(a) Will highly appreciated

(b) Will be highly appreciative

(c) Will be highly appreciated

(d) might highly being appreciate

(e) No improvement

Ans- c





Q42. Speculations and hypothesizing are the most essential and well-known aspects of inventions.

(a) Hypothesized

(b) Hypothesizing needs

(c) Hypothesis

(d) hypothermic

(e) No improvement

Ans- e






Q43. Increased productivity necessary reflects greater efforts made by the employees.

(a) Increase productivity necessarily

(b) Increased productivity is necessary

(c) Increased productivity necessarily

(d) increase product necessary

(e) No improvement

Ans- c






Q44. The small child does whatever his father was done.

(a) Was done

(b) Did

(c) Had done

(d) has doing

(e) No improvement

Ans- c





Q45. The moment they saw me, they were delight.

(a) Was delight

(b) Were delighted

(c) Are delighted

(d) is delight

(e) No improvement

Ans- b





Q46. If he has to spend five hours in the queue, it was really a wastage.

(a) Was real a wastage

(b) Is real a wastage

(c) Is really a wastage

(d) were real is waste

(e) No improvement

Ans- c





Q47. You can always dependent on them.

(a) Depend on them

(b) Be dependent with them

(c) Depend them

(d) depending is on they

(e) No improvement

Ans- a





Q48. Why did you not threw the bag away?

(a) Did you threw

(b) Had you not threw

(c) Did you not throw

(d) does have never threw

(e) No improvement

Ans- c





Q49. They are not beware of all the facts.

(a) Are not beware

(b) Are not aware of

(c) Are not to be aware

(d) is never was aware

(e) No improvement

Ans- b






Q50.  Can you tell me why did you not speak the truth?

(a) Why did not you speak

(b) That why did you not speak

(c) Why you did not speak

(d)  what you does speak

(e) No improvement

Ans- c