1. He has written a poem which fascinates everyone.
A. A poem has been written by him which fascinates everyone.
B. Everyone is fascinated by the poem which has been written by him.
C. Poem written by him fascinates everyone
D. Every one fascinates the poem written by him.

2. Will those happy days be ever forgotten by us?
A. Will we ever forget those happy days?
B. Shall we ever forgot these happy days?
C. Would we forge these happy days?
D. Ever shall we forget those happy days?

3. A poem of mouring.
A. epic
B. sonnet
C. lyric
D. elegy

4. One who despises persons of lower social position
A. Prim
B. Snob
C. Prig
D. Aristocrat

5. Gradual recovery from illness
A. Hysteria
B. Amnesia
C. Superannuation
D. Convalescence

6. One who is determined to exact full vengeance for wrongs done to him
A. Vindicator
B. Usurer
C. Vindictive
D. Virulent

7. A person who believes that pleasure is the chief good
A. Stoic
B. Hedonist
C. Epicure
D. Sensual

8. Commencement of words with the same letter
A. Rhyme
B. Alliteration
C. Pun
D. Oxymoron

9. Child bereaved of one or both the parents
A. Desolate
B. Destitute
C. Orphan
D. Lout

10. Gift left by will
A. Alimony
B. Parimony
C. Legacy
D. Property

11. A government run by a dictator
A. Democracy
B. Autocracy
C. Oligarchy
D. Theocracy

12. One who always runs away from danger
A. Escapist
B. Timid
C. Coward
D. Shirker

13. A poem written on the death of someone loved and lost
A. Ode
B. Epic
C. Sonnet
D. Elegy

14. A post without remuneration
A. Voluntary
B. Sinecure
C. Honorary
D. Involuntary

15. Large scale departure of people
A. Migration
B. Emigration
C. Immigration
D. Exodus

16. Lottery in which an article is assigned by lot to one of those buying tickets
A. Auction
B. Raffle
C. Audit
D. Transit

17. To send an unwanted person out of the country
A. Exclude
B. Ostracise
C. Deport
D. Expatriate

18. Voluntarily giving up throne by king in favour of his son
A. Abdiction
B. Resurrection
C. Accession
D. Renunciation

19. List of headings of the business to be transacted at a meeting
A. Schedule
B. Agenda
C. Proceedings
D. Excerpts

20. A process involving too much official formality
A. Nepotism
B. Diplomacy
C. Red‐tapism
D. Bureaucracy

1. B
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. B
9. C
10. C
11. B
12. B
13. D
14. C
15. D
16. B
17. C
18. A
19. B
20. C

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