TOPIC OF THE DAY :-“A) Cyclone Gaja: Being Prepared Against Extreme Events”

Coastal districts must continue to strengthen resilience against extreme weather events

Tamil Nadu was more prepared than before to deal with Cyclone Gaja when it made landfall between Nagapattinam and Vedaranyam on November 16, but it still took a toll of at least 45 lives. The severe cyclonic storm damaged infrastructure, property and agriculture. Even so, the effort to professionalise disaster management through a dedicated national and State organisation initiated more than 15 years ago appears to be paying off, with bureaucracies acquiring higher efficiency in providing early warning and in mitigating the impact of cyclones. The National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project started by the Ministry of Home Affairs has been working to reduce the impact of such catastrophicevents on Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat, classified as States with highervulnerability; most western coastal States are in the next category. However, there is a lot to be done to upgrade infrastructure and housing in coastal districts to meet higher standards of resilience in an era of extreme weather events. The lead taken by the State Disaster Management Authority in issuing a stream of alerts ahead of Gaja helped coastal residents move to camps and adopt safety measures. The active measures taken by the State after the cyclone, notably to clear roads, remove fallen trees and repair power infrastructure and communications, helped restore some stability. In its destructive exit path, the cyclone has affected some southern districts, felling tens of thousands of trees and also 30,000 electricity poles along the coast. It also hit residents in some central Kerala districts.

Tamil Nadu’s political parties have acted in a mature manner and kept partisan criticism from getting in the way of relief and rehabilitation after Gaja. This is in contrast to some earlier instances, such as the Chennai flood of 2015, when the distribution of relief became politicised. Today, if any pressure on the government machinery is necessary, it is to secure without delay the financial relief of ₹10 lakh that has been promised for families of the dead, compensation for lost crops, trees and livestock, provision of emergency health intervention and rehabilitation assistance to rebuild lives. The larger question, of course, is whether the coastal States have equipped themselves for an even bigger event, such as the super cyclone that hit Odisha in 1999 that killed about 10,000 people. Even with far fewer casualties, Cyclone Phailin in 2013 required reconstruction estimated at $1.5 billion. India’s coastline experiences a lower frequency of tropical cyclones compared to many other regions, but the loss of life and destruction is much higher. Coastal States must, therefore, focus on reducing the hazard through policies that expand resilient housing, build better storm shelters and create financial mechanisms for insurance and compensation.

1) bureaucracy

Meaning : a system of government in which most of the important decisions are taken by state officials rather than by elected representatives(n).

Synonyms : authority

Antonyms : anarchy

Example : “his bureaucratic behavior annoyed his colleagues”

2) mitigating

Meaning : make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful(v).

Synonyms : allaying

Antonyms : exacerbating

Example : “drainage schemes have helped to mitigate this problem”

3) catastrophic

Meaning : involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering(Adj).

Synonyms : disastrous

Antonyms : lucky

Example : “a catastrophic earthquake”

4) vulnerability

Meaning : the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally(n).

Synonyms : exposure

Antonyms : invincibility

Example : “conservation authorities have realized the vulnerability of the local population”

5) resilience

Meaning : the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness(n).

Synonyms : flexibility

Antonyms : frailty

Example : “the often remarkable resilience of so many British institutions”

6) equipped

Meaning : supply with the necessary items for a particular purpose.

Synonyms : prepared

Antonyms : unequipped

Example : “all bedrooms are equipped with a colour TV”

7) tussle

Meaning : a vigorous struggle or scuffle, typically in order to obtain or achieve something(n).

Synonyms : fight

Antonyms : agreement

Example : “there was a tussle for the ball”

8) unprecedented

Meaning : never done or known before(adj).

Synonyms : unusual

Antonyms : traditional

Example : “the government took the unprecedented step of releasing confidential correspondence”

9) consultation

Meaning : the action or process of formally consulting or discussing(n).

Synonyms : discussion

Antonyms : connotation

Example : “they improved standards in consultation with consumer representatives”

10) subservient

Meaning : prepared to obey others unquestioningly(adj).

Synonyms : slavish

Antonyms : assertive

Example : “she was subservient to her parents”

11) vaguely

Meaning : in a way that is uncertain, indefinite or unclear; roughly.(adv)

Synonyms : foggily

Antonyms : clearly

Example : “he vaguely remembered talking to her once”

12) Eminent

Meaning : (of a person) famous and respected within a particular sphere(adj).

Synonyms : famous

Antonyms : inferior

Example : “one of the world’s most eminent statisticians”

13) interpreted

Meaning : explain the meaning of (information or actions)(v).

Synonyms : rendered

Antonyms : distorted

Example : “the evidence is difficult to interpret”

14) relevant

Meaning : closely connected or appropriate to what is being done or considered.

Synonyms : applicable

Antonyms : irrelevant

Example : “what small companies need is relevant advice”

15) caveat

Meaning : a warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations(n).

Synonyms : caution

Antonyms : consonance

Example : “there are a number of caveats which concern the validity of the assessment results”

16) regulations

Meaning : a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority.

Synonyms : orders

Antonyms : disorders

Example : “planning regulations”

17) confers

Meaning : grant (a title, degree, benefit, or right)(v).

Synonyms : consults

Antonyms : withdraws

Example : “the Minister may have exceeded the powers conferred on him by Parliament”

18) invoked

Meaning : cite or appeal to (someone or something) as an authority for an action or in support of an argument(v).

Synonyms : enforced

Antonyms : ignored

Example : “the antiquated defence of insanity is rarely invoked in England”

19) untenable

Meaning : (especially of a position or view) not able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection(adj).

Synonyms : invalid

Antonyms : arguable

Example : “this argument is clearly untenable”

20) advisory

Meaning : having or consisting in the power to make recommendations but not to take action enforcing them(adj).

Synonyms : consultative

Antonyms : uninformative

Example : “the Commission acts in an advisory capacity”

21) leashed

Meaning : put a leash on (a dog).

Synonyms : bridled

Antonyms : loose

Example : “he called Azor to heel so that he could leash him”

22) memoirs

Meaning : an essay on a learned subject.(n)

Synonyms : reminiscence

Example : “an important memoir on Carboniferous crustacea”

23) meddling

Meaning : interfere in something that is not one’s concern.

Synonyms : interfering

Antonyms : careless

Example : “I don’t want him meddling in our affairs”

24) invocation

Meaning : the action of invoking someone or something.

Synonyms : supplication

Antonyms : curse

Example : “his invocation of the ancient powers of Callanish”

25) precedent

Meaning : an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.

Synonyms : preceding

Antonyms : after

Example : “there are substantial precedents for using interactive media in training”

26) ticklish

Meaning : (of a situation or problem) difficult or tricky and requiring careful handling.

Synonyms : delicate

Antonyms : easy

Example : “her skill in evading ticklish questions”

27) bestowed

Meaning : confer or present (an honour, right, or gift).

Synonyms : granted

Example : “the office was bestowed on him by the monarch of this realm”

28) afoul

Meaning : into conflict or difficulty with.

Synonyms : amiss

Antonyms : untangled

Example : “with its sails afoul

29) precept

Meaning : a general rule intended to regulate behaviour or thought.

Synonyms : dictum

Antonyms : ambiguity

Example : “the legal precept of being innocent until proven guilty”

30) linen

Meaning : cloth woven from flax.

Synonyms : fabric

Example : “a linen suit”

31) conventions

Meaning : a way in which something is usually done.

Synonyms : ceremony

Antonyms : disagreements

Example : “to attract the best patrons the movie houses had to ape the conventions and the standards of theatres”

32) conflict

Meaning : be incompatible or at variance; clash.

Synonyms : dispute

Antonyms : harmony

Example : “parents’ and children’s interests sometimes conflict”

33) consistent

Meaning : acting or done in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate.

Synonyms : persistent

Antonyms : irregular

Example : “the parents are being consistent and firm in their reactions”

34) corporate

Meaning : relating to a large company or group.

Synonyms : joint

Antonyms : particular

Example : “airlines are very keen on their corporate identity”

35) livestock

Meaning : farm animals regarded as an asset.

Synonyms : cattle

Example : “markets for the trading of livestock”

36) rehabilitation

Meaning : the action of restoring someone to health or normal life through training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or illness(n).

Synonyms : renewal

Antonyms : decay

Example : “she underwent rehabilitation and was walking within three weeks”

37) intervention

Meaning : the action or process of intervening.

Synonyms : interference

Antonyms : affront

Example : “a high degree of state intervention in the economy”

38) compensation

Meaning : something, typically money, awarded to someone in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury.

Synonyms : recompense

Antonyms : fine

Example : “he is seeking compensation for injuries suffered at work”