Topic Of The Day:-“Quiet progress with Pakistan”

One area of foreign policy where few would bet money on a reset, namely Pakistan, has also seen some quiet movement. This year, the government admitted in Parliament for the first time that National Security Adviser (NSA) Ajit Doval had met his Pakistani counterpart, Nasser Khan Janjua, as a part of “established channels of communications at various levels” between the two sides in the past few years, post-Pathankot. Officials have confirmed that talks between the two NSAs have also taken place on the sidelines of conferences as well, and quite regularly telephonically. Meanwhile, the resolution of the standoff over the treatment of diplomats in Delhi and Islamabad indicates that neither government has the appetite for escalation at this point.

All around, it would appear that India’s hard power strategy in the region is being replaced with a more conciliatory one. However, the next steps will be defined not by a quiet or defensive approach to redefining India’s foreign policy in the region, but with a more bold and proactive one. The reset with China will work only if there are transactional dividends for both New Delhi and Beijing, in case the two governments go back to the default antagonism of the past after the summit meetings. Two issues on which both governments can show flexibility are China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and India’s bid for Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) membership.

On the NSG, China could remove its block to India’s membership by adopting a more inclusive approach within the nuclear export control organisation. Indian membership, which the Modi government seems to have made its objective, will only strengthen the international nuclear regime. Even if withdrawal of China’s objections does not soften the objections of more hardline “non-proliferationists” or Non-Proliferation Treaty-proponents, the goodwill from such a move would propel India-China relations forward.

On the BRI, if there is political will on both sides, they needn’t look too far for creative solutions around India’s three concerns: on territorial integrity, transparency of projects and their sustainability. The solution to the first is contained in a proposal under consideration — to extend the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to Afghanistan. While it may have not been the outcome discussed, the shift from the CPEC to what could be called PACE or the Pakistan-Afghanistan-China Economic corridor would necessitate a shift away from projects in Gilgit-Baltistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. Those projects may still be built and funded by China, but then would not constitute a part of the BRI route; as a result, India’s concerns on sovereignty could be dispensed with.

Meanwhile, several countries, from Europe to Central and East Asia, are now echoing India’s concerns about the environmental and debt trap risks that BRI projects pose. India could take the lead in creating an international template for infrastructure and connectivity proposals, one that would seek to engage China and other donor countries in a structured approach towards debt financing. This would win India goodwill in the neighbourhood too, where every other country (apart from Bhutan) has signed on to the BRI, but has felt alienated by India’s rigid opposition to the initiative.


1) Diplomats

Meaning: An official representing a country abroad.

Example: “A British diplomat working in our consulate in Germany”

Synonyms: Ambassador, Envoy

2) Appetite

Meaning: A strong desire or liking for something.

Example: “Her appetite for life”

Synonyms: Craving, Longing


Antonyms: Aversion

3) Escalation

Meaning: A rapid increase; a rise.

Example: “Cost escalations”

Synonyms: Rapid increase, Rise


Antonyms: Plunge, Relaxation

4) Conciliatory

Meaning: Intended or likely to placate or pacify.

Example: “A conciliatory approach”

Synonyms: Propitiatory, Placatory


Antonyms: Antagonistic

5) Proactive

Meaning: (Of a person or action) creating or controlling a situation rather than just responding to it after it has happened.

Example: “Employers must take a proactive approach to equal pay”

6) Antagonism

Meaning: Active hostility or opposition.

Example: “The antagonism between them”

Synonyms: Hostility, Friction


Antonyms: Rapport, Friendship

7) Regime

Meaning: A government, especially an authoritarian one.

Example: “Ideological opponents of the regime”

Synonyms: Government, Authorities

8) Goodwill

Meaning: Friendly, helpful, or cooperative feelings or attitude.

Example: “The scheme is dependent on goodwill between the two sides”

Synonyms: Benevolence, Compassion


Antonyms: Hostility

9) Concerns

Meaning: A cause of anxiety or worry.

Example: “Public awareness of Aboriginal concerns”

Synonyms: Affair, Issue

10) Integrity

Meaning: The state of being whole and undivided.

Example: “Upholding territorial integrity and national sovereignty”

Synonyms: Unity, Unification

Antonyms: Division

11) Sovereignty

Meaning: Supreme power or authority.

Example: “The sovereignty of Parliament”

Synonyms: Jurisdiction, Supremacy

Antonyms: Subservience, Subjection

12) Dispensed

Meaning: Manage without or get rid of.

Example: “Let’s dispense with the formalities, shall we?”

Synonyms: Waive, Omit

Antonyms: Include, Keep

13) Alienated

Meaning: Make (someone) feel isolated or estranged.

Example: “An urban environment which would alienate its inhabitants”

Synonyms: Estrange, Isolate

Antonyms: Unite

14) Rigid

Meaning: Not able to be changed or adapted.

Example: “Rigid bureaucratic controls”

Synonyms: Fixed, Set

Antonyms: Flexible