Topic Of The Day:-“An isolated U.S.”

Since Mr. Trump had made his opinion about the JCPOA quite clear, describing it as the “worst deal ever”, he could have withheld renewal of sanctions waiver last month but that would have triggered re-imposition of secondary nuclear sanctions and violated international law since Iran remains in compliance with the JCPOA. It was therefore politically expedient to kick the ball to the Congress. Mr. Trump would like Congress to end some of the sunset clauses of 10/15 years in the JCPOA by making it permanent and also establish new benchmarks on missile activities and regional behaviour for continuing sanctions relief. This would imply an implicit renegotiation of the JCPOA, something that would attract a veto by both Russia and China were it to be taken up in the UNSC. Amending INARA would require 60 votes in the Senate, eight more than the current Republican strength and not all Republicans will support Mr. Trump. Relations between Mr. Trump and Senator Corker have deteriorated with Mr. Trump blaming Mr. Corker for the “horrendous deal” and Mr. Corker comparing the White House to “an adult day care centre”. Congress could also do nothing, which would put Mr. Trump in the awkward position in January 2018 of either renewing the sanctions waiver for another 120 days or withholding it, which would put the U.S. in violation of the JCPOA. In either case, the deal has broken down because Iran is not prepared to renegotiate it. Other countries have promised to uphold it but their ability to do so will depend on how their companies can be firewalled from U.S. sanctions if they continue their engagement with Iran. However, implications of the breakdown are not limited to U.S.-Iran relations. Iran can make things difficult for the U.S. in Afghanistan as also in Iraq and Syria. The U.S.’s ability to work with Russia in Syria or with China regarding North Korea will also be impacted. And sooner or later, questions will be asked in Iran about why it should continue with the restrictions and inspections that it accepted under the JCPOA, which would have far-reaching implications for the global nuclear architecture. Coming after the rejection of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Paris climate change accord and the North American Free Trade Agreement, Mr. Trump’s decision further diminishes U.S. credibility.


1) Elusive

Meaning: Difficult to find, catch, or achieve.

Example: “success will become ever more elusive”

Synonyms: Evasive, Slippery

2) Sparring

Meaning: Argue with someone without marked hostility.

Example: “mother and daughter spar regularly over drink, drugs, and career”

Synonyms: Quarrel, Argue

3) Triggering

Meaning: Cause (an event or situation) to happen or exist.

Example: “an allergy can be triggered by stress or overwork”

Synonyms: Stimulate, Provoke

4) Proclaimed offender

Meaning: A Proclaim offender (P.O) proceeding is a process of the court through which the court declares the person as proclaimed offender and directs the concerned police officials to arrest the person named in the proceeding and produce him before the court and the name and details of the proclaimed offender are published in the news papers declaring him/her to be a proclaimed offender.

5) Propped up (prop up)

Meaning: To give support to something, especially a country or organization, so that it can continue to exist in a difficult situation.

Example: How long is the government likely to survive without the US military force there to prop it up?

Synonyms: Backbone, Pillar

6) Tripartite

Meaning: Shared by or involving three parties.

Example: “a tripartite coalition government”

7) Way out

Meaning: Extremely unconventional, unusual, or avant-garde.

Example: “teachers were accused of espousing way-out ideologies and teaching methods”

Synonyms: Quirky, Unusual

Antonyms: Normal, Ordinary

8) Trickle

Meaning: A small group or number of people or things moving slowly.

Example: “the traffic had dwindled to a trickle”

Synonyms: Move, Leave

9) Retracted

Meaning: Withdraw (a statement or accusation) as untrue or unjustified.

Example: “he retracted his allegations”

Synonyms: Withdraw, Recant

Antonyms: Assert, Confirm

10) Conciliatory

Meaning: Intended or likely to placate or pacify.

Example: “a conciliatory approach”

Synonyms: Pacific, Placatory

Antonyms: Antagonistic

11) Aggressive

Meaning: Behaving or done in a determined and forceful way.

Example: “we needed more growth to pursue our aggressive acquisition strategy”

Synonyms: Assertive, Forceful

Antonyms: Submissive, Diffident

12) Refrained

Meaning: Stop oneself from doing something.

Example: “she refrained from comment”

Synonyms: Abstain, Desist

13) Compliance

Meaning: The state or fact of according with or meeting rules or standards.

Example: “all imports of timber are in compliance with regulations”

Synonyms: Obedience to, Respect for

Antonyms: Violation, Infringement

14) Destabilizing

Meaning: Upset the stability of (a region or system); cause unrest or instability in.

Example: “the accused were charged with conspiracy to destabilize the country”

Synonyms: Undermine, Weaken

Antonyms: Strengthen

15) Constrain

Meaning: Appearing forced or overly controlled.

Example: “he was acting in a constrained manner”

Synonyms: Unnatural, Artificial

Antonyms: Relaxed

16) Scrapping

Meaning: Abolish or cancel (a plan, policy, or law).

Example: “he supports the idea that road tax should be scrapped”

Synonyms: Abandon, Abolish

Antonyms: Keep, Restore

17) Stalled

Meaning: Stop or cause to stop making progress.

Example: “his career had stalled, hers taken off”

Synonyms: Obstruct, Impede

18) Debacle

Meaning: A sudden and ignominious failure; a fiasco.

Example: “the only man to reach double figures in the second-innings debacle”

Synonyms: Failure, Wreck

19) Enriched

Meaning: Improve or enhance the quality or value of.

Example: “her exposure to museums enriched her life in France”

Synonyms: Enhance, Upgrade

Antonyms: Devalue, Impoverish

20) Worrisome

Meaning: Causing anxiety or concern.

Example: “a worrisome problem”

Synonyms: Worrying, Alarming

21) Restraints

Meaning: Unemotional, dispassionate, or moderate behaviour; self-control.

Example: “he urged the protestors to exercise restraint”

Synonyms: Self-control, Moderation

Antonyms: Abandon, Forwardness

22) Shipping out (Ship out)

Meaning: To leave a situation.

Example: The company sold up and shipped out of its Dublin base.

Synonyms: Leave

Antonyms: Enter

23) Rigorous

Meaning: Extremely thorough and careful.

Example: “the rigorous testing of consumer products”

Synonyms: Careful, Diligent

Antonyms: Slapdash

24) Convoluted

Meaning: (especially of an argument, story, or sentence) extremely complex and difficult to follow.

Example: “the film is let down by a convoluted plot in which nothing really happens”

Synonyms: Complicated, Elaborative

Antonyms: Simple, Straightforward

25) Obliging

Meaning: Willing to do a service or kindness; helpful.

Example: “one of the most obliging stewards”

Synonyms: Helpful, Agreeable

Antonyms: Uncooperative, Obstructive

26) Ratification

Meaning: The action of signing or giving formal consent to a treaty, contract, or agreement, making it officially valid.

Example: “ratification of the treaty raised problems in several member states”

Synonyms: Authorization, Sanction

27) Kicked in (Kick in)

Meaning: Come into effect or operation.

Example: “the hospital’s emergency generators kicked in”

28) Imposition

Meaning: A tax or duty.

Example: “the government began levying special impositions”

Synonyms: Levy, Charge

29) Expedient

Meaning: (of an action) convenient and practical although possibly improper or immoral.

Example: “either side could break the agreement if it were expedient to do so”

Synonyms: Convenient, Beneficial

Antonyms: Inexpedient, Ill-advised

30) Sunset clauses

Meaning: Part of a law or contract that states when it will end, or the conditions under which it will end

Example: A sunset clause in the bill called for the tax cuts to expire in 2010.

31) Renegotiation

Meaning: Negotiation of something again in order to change the original agreed terms.

Example: “they demanded renegotiation of the treaty”

32) Veto

Meaning: A constitutional right to reject a decision or proposal made by a lawmaking body.

Example: “neither state was given a veto over amendments to the Act”

Synonyms: Rejection, Dismissal

Antonyms: Approval

33) Deteriorated

Meaning: Become progressively worse.

Example: “relations between the countries had deteriorated sharply”

Synonyms: Worsen, Decline

Antonyms: Improve

34) Horrendous

Meaning: Extremely unpleasant, horrifying, or terrible.

Example: “she suffered horrendous injuries”

Synonyms: Horrify, Unpleasant

35) Awkward

Meaning: Causing or feeling uneasy embarrassment or inconvenience.

Example: “he had put her in a very awkward position”

Synonyms: Embarrassing, Unpleasant

Antonyms: Relaxed

36) Implications

Meaning: The conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated.

Example: “the implication is that no one person at the bank is responsible”

Synonyms: Suggestion, Inference

37) Breakdown

Meaning: A failure of a relationship or system.

Example: “a breakdown in military discipline”

Synonyms: Failure, Collapse

38) Far-reaching

Meaning: Having important and widely applicable effects or implications.

Example: “a series of far-reaching political reforms”

Synonyms: Extensive, Wide-ranging

Antonyms: Limited, Insignificant

39) Accord

Meaning: An official agreement or treaty.

Example: “opposition groups refused to sign the accord”

Synonyms: Treaty, Agreement

40) Diminishes

Meaning: Cause to seem less impressive or valuable.

Example: “the trial has aged and diminished him”

Synonyms: Belittle, Deprecate

Antonyms: Boost, Encourage