Overdue Correction: On Revisiting The Companies Act

 The Centre has announced the constitution of a committee to revisit several provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 that impose stiff penalties and, in some cases, prison terms as well, for directors and key management personnel. The 2013 law entailed the first massive overhaul of India’s legal regime to govern businesses that had been in place since 1956 and was borne of a long-drawn consultative process. Now, this 10-member committee appointed by the Corporate Affairs Ministry has been tasked with checking if certain offences can be ‘de-criminalized’. The panel, which includes top banker Uday Kotak, has been given 30 days to work out whether some of the violations that can attract imprisonment (such as a clerical failure by directors to make adequate disclosures about their interests) may instead be punished with monetary fines. It will also examine if offences punishable with a fine or imprisonment may be re-categorised as ‘acts’ that attract civil liabilities. Importantly, the committee has also been asked to suggest the broad contours for an adjudicatory mechanism that allows penalties to be levied for minor violations, perhaps in an automated manner, with minimal discretion available to officials. In fact, some of the provisions in the law are so tough that even a spelling mistake or typographical error could be construed as a fraud and lead to harsh strictures. The government hopes such changes in the regulatory regime would allow trial courts to devote greater attention to serious offences rather than get overloaded with cases as zealous officials blindly pursue prosecutions for even minor violations. The decision to build in harsh penalties and prison terms for corporate misdemeanors in the 2013 law was, no doubt, influenced by the high-pitched anti-corruption discourse that prevailed in the country at that moment in time. Apart from several cases of crony capitalism that had come to light during the second UPA government, massive corporate frauds reported at once-revered firms such as the erstwhile Satyam Computer Services had spooked investors and other stakeholders about the credibility of corporate India’s books and governance standards. When the NDA came to power in May 2014, a comprehensive review of the Companies Act was at the top of industry’s wish list as a means to revive the economy. Industry captains had red-flagged the impact of such provisions on the ease of doing business, and investor sentiment in general. A trust deficit between industry and government owing to stray incidents of corporate malfeasance should not inhibit normal business operations, they had argued. Four years down the line, the government is finally moving purposefully on this, a rethink perhaps triggered by the fact that private sector investment is yet to pick up steam and capital still seeks foreign shores to avoid regulatory risks. One hopes this is followed up on swiftly, before the ruling party slips into election mode.



1) Stiff

Meaning: Severe or strong.

Example: “they face stiff fines and a possible jail sentence”

Synonyms: Harsh, Severe

Antonyms: Lenient, Mild

2) Entailed

Meaning: Involve (something) as a necessary or inevitable part or consequence.

Example: “a situation which entails considerable risks”

Synonyms: Require, Demand

3) Overhaul

Meaning: A thorough examination of machinery or a system, with repairs or changes made if necessary.

Example: “a major overhaul of environmental policies”

4) Consultative

Meaning: Intended to give professional advice or recommendations.

Example: “a process of consultative review”

5) Tasked

Meaning: Assign a task to.

Example: “NATO troops are tasked with separating the warring parties”

6) Contours

Meaning: An outline representing or bounding the shape or form of something.

Example: “she traced the contours of his face with her finger”

Synonyms: Outline, Form

7) Adjudicatory (Adjudicate)

Meaning: Make a formal judgment on a disputed matter.

Example: “the Committee adjudicates on all betting disputes”

8) Discretion

Meaning: The freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation.

Example: “local authorities should use their discretion in setting the charges”

Synonyms: Choice, Option

9) Construed

Meaning: Interpret (a word or action) in a particular way.

Example: “his words could hardly be construed as an apology”

Synonyms: Interpret, Understand

10) Strictures

Meaning: A statement of severe criticism or disapproval.

Example: The strictures of the United Nations have failed to have any effect on the warring factions.

Synonyms: Disapprove, Criticize

11) Zealous

Meaning: Having or showing zeal.

Example: “the council was extremely zealous in the application of the regulations”

Synonyms: Fervent, Ardent

Antonyms: Apathetic, Indifferent

12) Misdemeanours

Meaning: a minor wrongdoing.

Example: “the player can expect a suspension for his latest misdemeanour”

Synonyms: Wrongdoing, Crime

13) Influenced

Meaning: Have an influence on.

Example: “feminist ideas have influenced the law-makers”

Synonyms: Affect, Determine

14) Prevailed

Meaning: Be widespread or current in a particular area or at a particular time.

Example: “a friendly atmosphere prevailed among the crowds”

Synonyms: Exist, Obtain

15) Crony capitalism

Meaning: An economic system characterized by close, mutually advantageous relationships between business leaders and government officials.

Example: “allegations of crony capitalism have plagued the government”

16) Revered

Meaning: Feel deep respect or admiration for (something).

Example: “Cézanne’s still life was revered by his contemporaries”

Synonyms: Respect, Admire

Antonyms: Despise

17) Erstwhile

Meaning: Former.

Example: “the erstwhile president of the company”

Synonyms: Former, Old

Antonyms: Present, Future

18) Spooked

Meaning: Frighten; unnerve.

Example: “they spooked a couple of grizzly bears”

19) Revive

Meaning: Give new strength or energy to.

Example: “the cool, refreshing water revived us all”

Synonyms: Reinvigorate, Revitalize

Antonyms: Torpefy

20) Stray

Meaning: To start thinking or talking about a different subject from the one you should be giving attention to.

Example: I think we’ve strayed too far from our original plan.

21) Malfeasance

Meaning: An example of dishonest and illegal behaviour, especially by a person in authority.

Example: Several cases of malpractice and malfeasance in the financial world are currently being investigated.

Synonyms: Dishonest

22) Triggered

Meaning: Cause (an event or situation) to happen or exist.

Example: “an allergy can be triggered by stress or overwork”

Synonyms: Precipitate, Prompt

23) Pick up steam

Meaning: To start working or producing at a faster rate or more effectively.

Example: After a slow start, the project began to pick up steam.