TOPIC – Catching upThe Cabinet’s approval of a Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme for the textile sector that is expressly targeted at the manmade fiber (MMF) and technical textiles segments is a belated acknowledgment by the Government that the ground has inexorably shifted in the global textiles trade. A relentless shift in consumer preferences and fashion trends saw MMF surpass cotton as the fiber of choice in the 1990s, since vaulting its share in worldwide textile consumption to about 75%. India’s textile and clothing exports on the other hand have continued to remain dominated by cotton and other natural fibre based products, with MMF having contributed less than 30% of the country’s $35.6 billion in overall sect oral exports in 2017-18. And MMF’s share remained relatively unchanged in the last fiscal as well when the sect oral exports were about $33 billion. While policy makers have been cognisant of the need to bolster support for the MMF segment, the task of crafting a meaningful initiative that would engender enhanced investment in capacity creation, leading to increased exports, has been a while in coming. Wednesday’s decision on the focused PLI scheme, with a budgeted outlay of ₹10,683 crore, is the second time in 11 months that the Cabinet has approved what is broadly the same plan, with the Government using the intervening period to incorporate amendments to the incentive structure based on industry feedback. The aim of the scheme is to specifically focus investment attention on 40 MMF apparel product lines, 14 MMF fabric lines and 10 segments or products of technical textiles. These 64 items have been chosen on account of being among the top traded lines in the global market as well as India having less than a 5% share in each of them. The inclusion of intermediate products at industry’s request also reflects the Government’s keenness to ensure the scheme ultimately delivers on the broader policy objectives. The incentives have been categorized into two investment levels. Firms investing at least ₹300 crore into plant and machinery over two years for making a specified product would need to hit a minimum turnover of ₹600 crore before becoming eligible to receive the incentive over a five-year period, and at a second level an investment of ₹100 crore with a preset minimum turnover of ₹200 crore would enable qualification for the incentive. On the face of it, the scheme appears designed with a fair deal of thought, but its operational success is likely to hinge on how new entrepreneurs and existing companies weigh the risk reward equation, especially at a time when the pandemic spurred uncertainty has already made private businesses leery of making fresh capital expenditure.


The Hindu Editorial Words with meanings, synonyms, and antonyms 

Relentless (adjective) – Never-ceasing

Synonyms – Inexorable, persistent, obdurate, stubborn, stern

Antonyms – Merciful, intermittent, sporadic, lenient, reluctant


Vaulting (adjective) – Revealing excessive self-confidence

Synonyms – Curvet, hopping, leaping, aspiring, hurdling

Antonyms – Vacillant, apathetic, impassive, indolent, languid


Cognizant (adjective) – Having or showing knowledge

Synonyms – Conversant, acquainted, sentient, versed perceiving

Antonyms – Oblivious, baboso, unaware, insensible, crazy


Bolster (verb) – Support and strengthen

Synonyms – Buttress, brace, fortify, toughen, consolidate

Antonyms – Hinder, obstruct, agitate, demolish, abate


Apparel (noun) – Clothing in general

Synonyms – Garb, attire, raiment, robe, togs

Antonyms – Disrobe, peel, exposure, bareness, deface

 Inclusion (noun) – The relation of comprising something

Synonyms – Insertion, embodiment, embracement, assimilation, extent

Antonyms – Banishment, exclusion, omission, avulsion, abscission


Keenness (noun) – A quick and penetrating intelligence

Synonyms – Eagerness, avidity, ardor, acuity, astuteness

Antonyms – Apathy, bluntness, boredom, obtuseness, acrimony


Hinge (verb) – To attach by or furnish with

Synonyms – Swivel, articulation, fulcrum, suture, spindle

Antonyms – Assail, combat, dissent, repulse, spurn


Leery (adjective) – Openly distrustful and unwilling to confide

Synonyms – Suspicious, skeptical, prudent, heedful, vigilant

Antonyms – Abstracted, credulous, budding, dupable, exploitable