1.Which country has recently banned eight Chinese items from China, including cotton, hair-related products, computer components and some textiles?
a. America
b. Nepal
c. Pakistan
d. Bangladesh

ANSWER: a. United
States of America recently banned eight Chinese items from China, Xinjiang province, including cotton, hair-related products, computer components and some textiles. The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has said that the products are produced using ‘forced labor’. It has also been alleged that China undermines American workers and businesses by trying to import these goods into the US.

2.World Patient Safety Day is observed on which of the following days?
a. 10 January
b. 17 September
c. 12 March
d. 18 April

ANSWER: b. September
17 is celebrated as ‘World Patient Safety Day’ every year on 17 September. The theme of World Patient Safety Day 2020 is: Health Worker Safety: A Priority for Patient Safety. With the support of the World Health Assembly, it was announced in May 2019 to celebrate September 17 every year as World Patient Safety Day. The World Health Organization (WHO) celebrated World Patient Safety Day for the first time in the year 2019. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness about patient safety.

3.Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently inaugurated 12 railway projects related to passenger amenities along with Kosi Rail Mahasetu in which state?
a. Punjab
b. Rajasthan
c. Bihar
d. Jharkhand

ANSWER: c. Bihar
Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently inaugurated 12 railway projects related to passenger amenities along with Kosi Rail Mahasetu in Bihar. The 12 railway projects that Prime Minister Modi inaugurated include one rail bridge on the river Keul, two new rail lines, five related to electrification, an electric locomotive shed and a third line project in Bahadur and Bakhtiyarpur. The Kosi Rail Mahasetu is 1.9 km long and its construction has cost Rs 516 crore.

4.Which country has recently become the observer of the Djibouti Code of Conduct?
a. Russia
b. Bangladesh
c. China
d. India

ANSWER: d. India
has joined the Djibouti Code of Conduct as an India observer. The Ministry of External Affairs recently said, after a virtual meeting of the Djibouti Code of Conduct / Jeddah Amendment (DCOC / JA) on 26 August, India decided to join it as an observer. The DCOC / JA is a group of 18 member countries of the Indian Ocean Region, the East Coast of Africa, the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea. After Japan, Norway, Britain and America, India will now be a part of it as an observer.

5.Which of the following countries has been elected a member of the United Nations Women’s Status Commission (CSW)?
a. China
b. Bhutan
c. Nepal
d. India

ANSWER: d. India
India has been elected a member of the Women’s Status Commission of the United Nations Economic and Social Council. In this important election, India has gained membership of the Commission by defeating China. From the years 2021 to 2025, India has become a new member of the United Nations Women’s Status Commission. India, Afghanistan and China were involved in the election race to become a member of this institution.