Strong challenge: On the Telangana Assembly election 2023 in November

The Congress supplants the BJP as the key competitor to the BRS in Telangana

Over the course of this decade, the BJP has sought to become a major player in Telangana and only the electoral results will confirm the pervasive theory that the party’s support base in the State remains limited to a few seats. If the Congress steals a march over the BJP, it could reflect the failure of the BJP to raise an agenda that appeals to the people of Telangana beyond its tiresome reliance on religious polarisation and touting the virtues of having a friendly Union government. This will also be indicative of the mood of the electorate in the southern States where electoral competition is moored in the politics of welfare and developmentalism and less in the hysterics of communal mobilisation, as evident elsewhere in the North. All said, the Congress might well have the wind in its sails to become a contender against a formidable BRS, but the electoral campaigns and how they sway the fence-sitter and the undecided voter will determine the course of the election in the State.