1. GRUNGY (ADJECTIVE): shabby

Synonyms: filthy, messy  

Antonyms: clean, spotless

Example Sentence: Don’t touch this paper with grubby hands.



Synonyms: dolorific, mournful

Antonyms: cheery, hopeful

Example Sentence: Why are you living such a dolorous life?


  1. NEXUS (NOUN): link

Synonyms:  bond, connection

Antonyms: interruption, exteriority

Example Sentence: There is always a nexus between politicians and police.


  1. DERIDE (VERB): mock

Synonyms: scoff, ridicule

Antonyms:  praise, commend

Example Sentence: He was derided by his colleague for his foolish project.


  1. CACHET (NOUN):  distinctive and stylish elegance

Synonyms: prestige, stature   

Antonyms: common, usual

Example Sentence: Amazon has the marketing power and cachet to provide that demo.


  1. SATIATE (VERB): stuff, satisfy completely or excessively

Synonyms: satisfy, sate         

Antonyms: deprive, fast

Example Sentence: There is enough food to satiate the children.


  1. CENSORSHIP (NOUN): forbiddance

Synonyms: suppression, restriction     

Antonyms: endorsement, compliment

Example Sentence: We must criticize weird censorship.


  1. SUBSTANTIAL (ADJECTIVE): important  

Synonyms: significant, considerable    

Antonyms: inconsiderable, insignificant

Example Sentence: He made substantial changes in the system.


  1. PRATTLE (VERB):  talk foolishly

Synonyms: jabber, idle chatter  

Antonyms: be quiet, be silent

Example Sentence: They have been blabbering with each other since morning.


  1. INOPPORTUNE (ADJECTIVE): unsuitable

Synonyms: problematic, inconvenient

Antonyms: convenient, appropriate

Example Sentence: The tiger cubs died because of the inopportune surroundings of the zoo.