1. DENATURE (VERB): debase

Synonyms: deteriorate, depreciate     

Antonyms: improve, upgrade

Example sentence: The excessive use of pesticides denatured the land.


  1. COVERTLY (ADVERB): clandestinely

Synonyms: surreptitiously, secretly

Antonyms: openly, publicly

Example Sentence: It was a covertly done attack.


  1. INCORPORATE (VERB): create

Synonyms: establish, compose

Antonyms: destroy, disperse

Example Sentence: The law incorporated new mandate.


  1. PROSCRIPTION (NOUN): prohibition

Synonyms: censorship, embargo

Antonyms: approval, sanction

Example Sentence: There is a proscription on alcoholic drinks in his house.


  1. INTENDED (ADJECTIVE): deliberate

Synonyms: intentional, wilful

Antonyms: unfixed, unplanned

Example Sentence: It was an intended response from her.


  1. ENDOW (VERB): afford

Synonyms: dispense, provide

Antonyms: receive, deny

Example Sentence: The ATM endowed the money.


  1. SLEW (NOUN): abundance

Synonyms: aggregation, bunch

Antonyms: little, need

Example Sentence: There was slew currency notes in the bank.



Synonyms: innocuous, pleasant

Antonyms: damaging, malicious

Example Sentence: She reacted in a unoffending way.


  1. STOW (VERB): hide

Synonyms: cover, lurk

Antonyms: superficial, unimportant

Example Sentence: Why his identity was stowed?


  1. MEDICATION (NOUN): analysis

Synonyms: cure, regimen

Antonyms: disease, harm

Example Sentence: The best medication is not given to the poor.