1. DISPEL (VERB): allay

Synonyms: drive away thought, resolve

Antonyms: recall, take in

Example Sentence: The flowers from my husband do not dispel the fact I believe he is cheating on me.


  1. LAY DOWN (VERB): command

Synonyms: impose, order

Antonyms: implore, request

Example Sentence: The major laid down the army.


  1. PREMISE (NOUN): presumption

Synonyms: proposition, supposition

Antonyms: denial, rejection

Example Sentence:  Your theory is faulty because anyone can dispel the premise with a simple experiment.


  1. UNPALATABLE (ADJECTIVE): not tasting good

Synonyms: distasteful, unsavory

Antonyms: delicious, savory

Example Sentence:  What an unpalatable Chowmin! she exclaimed.


  1. AFTERMATH (NOUN): impact

Synonyms: outcome, consequences

Antonyms: source, origin

Example Sentence: Although the aftermath was daunting, nothing could compare to the moment that the tornado struck the building.


  1. ABSOLUTE (ADJECTIVE): without limit

Synonyms: infinite, unlimited

Antonyms: bounded, limited

Example Sentence: our idea has really an absolute influence.


  1. PREPONDERATE (VERB): dominate

Synonyms: dictate, overrule

Antonyms: follow, lose

Example Sentence: Do not even think of preponderating me.


  1. DILUTE (VERB): adulterate

Synonyms: make thinner, water down

Antonyms: make thicker, concentrate

Example Sentence: To obtain the effect you want, firstly dilute the paint with a little bit of oil.


  1. MOOT (ADJECTIVE): doubtful

Synonyms: dubious, questionable

Antonyms: proven, definite

Example Sentence:  The use of phonetic transcription is a moot question.


  1. TRAGIC (ADJECTIVE): appalling

Synonyms: awful, deplorable

Antonyms: pleasant, wonderful

Example Sentence: Merriam saw the tragic women of the wards.