1. FECKLESS (ADJECTIVE): without purpose

Synonyms: aimless, carefree

Antonyms: purposeful, efficient

Example Sentence: It was a feckless attempt to make the company a success.


  1. MERCURIAL (ADJECTIVE): flighty, temperamental

Synonyms: changeable, impulsive

Antonyms: constant, stable

Example Sentence: His mercurial temperament made him difficult to work with his teammates.


  1. SPECIOUS (ADJECTIVE): misleading

Synonyms: deceptive, false

Antonyms: genuine, valid

Example Sentence: His readings are seeming to be specious.


  1. QUIXOTIC (ADJECTIVE): idealistic

Synonyms: impractical, dreamy

Antonyms: realistic, sensible

Example Sentence: It was clearly a quixotic case against the defendant.


  1. DISINGENUOUS (ADJECTIVE): Not straightforward or candid

Synonyms:  unfair, cunning

Antonyms: frank, truthful

Example Sentence: It was disingenuous of her to claim she had no financial interest in the company.


  1. DERISIVE (ADJECTIVE): ridiculing

Synonyms: cheeky, mocking   

Antonyms: polite, respectful

Example Sentence: It was a derisive act.


  1. ODIOUS (ADJECTIVE): extremely unpleasant

Synonyms: disgusting, horrid

Antonyms: attractive, delightful

Example Sentence: The detective said it was the most odious crime she had ever seen.


  1. FORTUITOUS (ADJECTIVE): lucky, accidental

Synonyms: random, chance

Antonyms: intentional, planned

Example Sentence: The check could not have arrived at a more fortuitous time.


  1. RAPACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): aggressively greedy or ravenous

Synonyms: ferocious, marauding

Antonyms: satisfied, contended

Example Sentence: He is a rapacious lawyer.


  1. HALCYON (ADJECTIVE): calm, peaceful

Synonyms: quiet, still

Antonyms: agitated

Example Sentence: It is such a halcyon place.