Vocab Of The Day

  1. DALLY (VERB): (देर करना) delay

Synonyms: linger, loiter

Antonyms: hurry, hasten

Example Sentence: She’d dallied upstairs long enough to put on a Jacket.


  1. CONGENIAL (ADJECTIVE): (मिलनसार) sociable

Synonyms: friendly, good-natured

Antonyms: unsociable, unfriendly

Example Sentence:  We must try to be congenial in our lives so that we can earn a good image in the society.


  1. ALLOCATION (NOUN): (आवंटन) allotment

Synonyms: distribution, appropriation

Antonyms: retention, acquisition

Example Sentence: They will take care of the allocation for the resources, don’t worry.


  1. FRAGMENTED (VERB): (तोड़ना) break into pieces

Synonyms: shatter, disintegrate

Antonyms: combine, unite

Example Sentence: Lough Erne fragmented into a series of lakes.


  1. OBLIVIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (भूलने वाला) unconcerned

Synonyms: ignorant, inattentive

Antonyms: concerned, attentive

Example Sentence: The people who are oblivious to others, are bound to be treated badly.


  1. GALL (NOUN): (ध्रष्टता) arrogance

Synonyms: impudence, brazenness

Antonyms: humility, modesty

Example Sentence: Anuj’s gall is the reason of his failure and he needs to improve it.


  1. FRAGILE (ADJECTIVE): (कमज़ोर) weak

Synonyms: feeble, frail

Antonyms: strong, firm

Example Sentence: His body structure his extremely fragile and he is unable to handle heavy things.


  1. ALTAR (NOUN): (वेदी) church table

Synonyms: shrine, chantry

Antonyms: playroom, club

Example Sentence: Today, the priest placed our offerings on the altar and everything vanished.


  1. DILIGENT (ADJECTIVE): (कर्मठ) hard-working

Synonyms: persevering, tireless

Antonyms: careless, ignorant

Example Sentence: We need to be diligent regarding our tasks for becoming successful in life.


  1. HURDLE (NOUN): (बाधा) obstacle

Synonyms: snag, barricade

Antonyms: aid, assistance

Example Sentence: There are many hurdles in life, we need to bulldoze them with our actions.