1. SINGULARLY (ADVERB): (अकेले) notably

Synonyms: uniquely, remarkably

Antonyms: together, commonly

Example Sentence: This was a singularly done task.


  1. CLAMOUR (NOUN): (कोलाहल) upheaval

Synonyms: tumult, outcry

Antonyms: calm, peace

Example Sentence: A news channel broadcast an ongoing clamour in parliament.


  1. DETERMINATION (NOUN): (दृढ़ संकल्प) perseverance

Synonyms: steadfastness, dedication

Antonyms: ignorance, indecision

Example Sentence: I saw a great determination in him.


  1. PERTINENT (ADJECTIVE): (उचित) relevant

Synonyms: admissible, germane

Antonyms: improper, inappropriate

Example Sentence: Add the pertinent topics that cover the entire syllabus.


  1. FLAG (VERB): (मंद होना) abate

Synonyms: fade, sag

Antonyms: grow, rise

Example Sentence: This lotion will definitely flag your pain.


  1. BOTTLENECK (NOUN): (बाधा) obstacle

Synonyms: barrier, congestion

Antonyms: aid, assistance

Example Sentence: He came passing through many bottlenecks.


  1. LINGER (VERB): (विलम्ब या देरी करना) loiter

Synonyms: drift, idle

Antonyms: advance, finish

Example Sentence: Don’t linger on the same topic.


  1. CORRODE (VERB): (बिगाडना) waste

Synonyms: erode, deteriorate

Antonyms: build, construct

Example Sentence: They corroded the newly made painting.


  1. CORROSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (संक्षारक) acerbic

Synonyms: caustic, vitriolic

Antonyms: gentle, nice

Example Sentence: Sodium and Sulphur are highly corrosive elements.


  1. COUNTERMAND (VERB): (प्रत्यादिष्ट करना) cancel a command

Synonyms: reverse, override

Antonyms: allow, approve

Example Sentence: I can’t countermand her orders.