1.NEOPHYTE (NOUN): beginner

Synonyms: amateur, novice

Antonyms: professional, expert

Example Sentence: Even the best player in the world was once a neophyte at the sport.


  1. PRETENSION (NOUN):self- importance

Synonyms: snobbishness, pomposity

Antonyms: modesty, propriety

Example Sentence:  He is adored by millions because he lacks in pretension.


  1. PITHY (VERB):to the point

Synonyms: concise, brief

Antonyms: lengthy, verbose

Example Sentence:  In order to make it quick the teach gave pithy explanation for all the questions.


  1. PERVASIVE (ADJECTIVE):which is all over the place.

Synonyms: omnipresent, prevalent

Antonyms: deficient, scanty

Example Sentence:  Unemployment is a pervasive issue in India touching all the classes.


  1. HERMETIC (ADJECTIVE):airtight

Synonyms: impervious, sealed

Antonyms: susceptible, penetrable

Example Sentence:  The cells were hermetic causing the prisoners to die of suffocation.


  1. UTTERANCE (NOUN):revelation

Synonyms: pronouncement, declaration

Antonyms: concealment, secret

Example Sentence:  The news would bubble inside his gut till it finds utterance.


  1. DAWDLE (VERB):waste time

Synonyms: laze, saunter

Antonyms: rush, hasten

Example Sentence:  People hasten to ask for help but often dawdle when help is needed.


  1. SCURRY (VERB):move along swiftly

Synonyms: scamper, dash

Antonyms: loaf, dawdle

Example Sentence:  The shy girl scurried towards her father when called for.


  1. DENIGRATION (NOUN):belittlement

Synonyms: defamation, ridicule

Antonyms: cajolery, blandishment

Example Sentence: those who denigrate others often do it to hide their own failures.


  1. DRUDGERY (NOUN):tedious work

Synonyms: labor, travail

Antonyms: lethargy, indolence

Example Sentence: to lose weight one has to endure the drudgery of hard exercises.