Talent Hunt Answers 03/10/2018


1. Recently, Charles Cao passed away in Hong Kong at 84 years of age. In which field did he receive Nobel Prize?
a. Physics
b. Chemistry
c. Peace Prize
d. Literature


ANSWER:  a. Physics
Description: Recently, Charles Cao died in Hong Kong at 84 years of age. He received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2009.

2. Under which program, the Central Human Resource Development Minister, Prakash Javadekar has announced the transfer of 15 lakh classes from Ninth to Post Graduate in Digital Class?
a Operation digital board
b. Operation black board
c. Mission Smart Classroom
d. Mission Classroom


ANSWER: a. Operation Digital Board
Description: Under the HRD Minister, Prakash Javadekar’s ‘Operation Digital Board’, 15 million classes up to Ninth to Post Graduate will be given Digital Class form.

3. In which country was the first time the pro-independence political party was banned?
a. Greece
b. Hong Kong
c. Belarus
d. Indonesia


ANSWER: b. Hong Kong
Description: The Hong Kong Administration has banned the National Assembly from the support of independence from the Hong Kong National Party (HNP) on September 24, 2018, explaining the basis of national security.

4. For the first time, which scientists have achieved success in developing the human body using the stem cells (PSC) in the laboratory?
a. Grass hose
b. Lever
c. Kidney
d. Mayurajja


ANSWER: a. Grass hose
: For the first time, scientists have succeeded in developing a small functional version of the human granule tube or feed tube using stem cells (PSC) in the laboratory.

5. How many IT companies have been shortlisted for the implementation of Centralized Information and Management System by the Reserve Bank of India?
a. Four
b. Seven
c. Eight
d. Five


ANSWER: d. Five
details: Reserve Bank of India has shortlisted five IT companies for the implementation of Centralized Information and Management System. These five companies are Infosys, Tata Consultancy Services, Cap Gemini Technology Services India, IBM India, Larsen & Toubro Infotech.