1. NUDGE (VERB): a slight push

Synonyms: poke, prod

Antonyms: emulate, pull

Example sentence: He nudged my elbow when he saw his father enter the house.


  1. BOLSTER (VERB): support

Synonyms: strengthen, boost

Antonyms: hinder, undermine

Example sentence: He bolstered up his claim with new evidence.


  1. CONUNDRUM (NOUN): problem

Synonyms: difficulty, dilemma

Antonyms: solution, key

Example sentence: The result is a conundrum for the party where there is no clear middle ground.


  1. FILLIP (NOUN): stimulus

Synonyms: boost, encouragement

Antonyms: deterrence, disincentive

Example sentence: It was just a fillip to my enjoyment as I looked on and off my page alternately.


  1. ARTICULATE (NOUN): express

Synonyms: communicate, announce

Antonyms: inarticulate, mute

Example sentence: He failed to articulate an overall vision.


  1. SCUTTLE (VERB): make something fail

Synonyms: destroy, wreak

Antonyms: fasten, continue

Example sentence: Such threats could scuttle the peace conference.


  1. RESILIENCE (NOUN): ability to recover from tough time

Synonyms: strength, flexibility

Antonyms: rigidness, weakness

Example sentence: The resilience of human beings is awesome but they don’t know its value.


  1. INNATE (ADJECTIVE): inherent

Synonyms: intrinsic, natural

Antonyms: accidental, extrinsic

Example sentence: We all have an innate knowledge of right and wrong.


  1. HEED (VERB): pay attention to

Synonyms: consider, observe

Antonyms: ignore, disregard

Example sentence: Few at the conference heeded his warning.


  1. PORTENT (NOUN): omen

Synonyms: sign, indication

Antonyms: doom, expectation

Example sentence: This is a frightening portent for the future.