Directions (1 to 5): Which of the following phrases (a), (b), (c), (d) given below in the statement should replace the phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is given and ‘No Correction is required’, mark (e) as the answer.

1. Many of my friends, call for me to congratulate.
(a) Call up
(b) Call out
(c) Call on
(d) Call off
(e) No correction required

2. I am sure my classmates will bear away my statement.
(a) Bear on
(b) Bear with
(c) Bear out
(d) Bear upon
(e) No correction required

3. Always try to keep on the standard of life even in the face of crises.
(a) Keep off
(b) Keep up
(c) Keep up with
(d) Keep from
(e) No correction required

4. Nothing ever turned out right for me in life.
(a) Turn off
(b) Turn on
(c) Turn over
(d) Turn up
(e) No correction required

5. The High Court set off the verdict of the lower court in this sensitive manner.
(a) Set aside
(b) Set in
(c) Set out
(d) Set up
(e) No correction required

Directions (6 to 10): In each of the following sentences, parts of the sentence are left blank. Beneath each sentence, five different ways of completing the sentence are indicated. Choose the best alternative among the given options.

6. ______ the middle of this year, President Pranav Mukherjee is expected to ______ on an official visit to China.
(a) In, depart
(b) Amidst, arrive
(c) Towards, embark
(d) By, visit
(e) For, go

7. Comprehension is a specific brain power that is _____ in every population that has learned to be _____ about the organisms surrounding us.
(a) Evoked, wary
(b) encouraged, diffident
(c) growing, allured
(d) latent, curious
(e) hide, optimistic

8. The smartphone symbolizes that awkward ________ in the communication technologies; while it _______ to bring us together, it keeps us apart.
(a) Phenomenon, want
(b) Irony, wishes
(c) Enigma, makes
(d) Irony, intends
(e) Paradox, tries

9. Food and L.P.G. subsidies ______ to proliferate, and it is very important to rationalize and ______ them.
(a) Proceed, achieve
(b) Maintain, object
(c) Remain, select
(d) Continue, target
(e) Pursue, prey

10. His _________is the right one and it raises above the competing _________of the two agencies.
(a) Leader, detains
(b) Appeal, moment
(c) Decision, narratives
(d) Intention, opportune
(e) Pursue, prey

Directions (11 to 15): Below a single word is given with options to its meaning. You have to select all those options which are synonyms of the word. Select the correct alternative from (A), (B), (C), and (D), which represents all those synonyms.

11. Tranquility
A) Agitation
B) Stillness
C) Calmness
D) Upset
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) B and C
(d) C and D
(e) All of these

12. Assailants
A) Ally
B) Obedience
C) Friend
D) Attacker
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) B and D
(d) Only D
(e) All of these

13. Stigmatize
A) Defame
B) Praise
C) Discredit
D) Dignity
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) B and D
(d) C and D
(e) All of these

14. Turmoil
A) Confusion
B) Calm
C) Dislike
D) Unsecured
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) B and D
(d) C and D
(e) All of these

15. Aberrant
A) Puerile
B) Deviant
C) Anonymity
D) Relegate
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) B and D
(d) C and D
(e) All of these

Directions (16 to 20): In each question there is pair of words/phrases that highlighted. From the highlighted words / phrases, select the most appropriate word/ phrase to form correct sentences. Then, from the option given choose the best one.

1) No loss/loose of life was reported
2) Instant relief/relieve has been given to the owners of two damaged houses
3) The local Met office have/has warned of heavy rain in mid.
(a) 112
(b) 212
(c) 211
(d) 222
(e) 111

A) Voting begin/began at 10 am and will continue till 5 pm.
B) While/Since the Lok Sabha speaker, an elected member, can vote,
C) They will have to mark their/there ballot with specially designed marker pens.
(a) 112
(b) 212
(c) 221
(d) 222
(e) 111

A) This massive influx/retreat of investment by foreign manufacturers is of great significance for India’s economy
B) China could start working on a more affective/effective growth strategy for the new era now
C) It should be pointed out that what is happening in India occurred in China two decades ago/before.
(a) 112
(b) 212
(c) 211
(d) 222
(e) 121

A) The Pakistani Army on Monday violated ceasefire along/across the Line of Control (LoC)
B) He immediately shut down his season to/for rest a knee injury
C) Two Indian Army jawans were injured when/while the Pakistani troops initiated firing along the LOC in Poonch
(a) 112
(b) 212
(c) 211
(d) 222
(e) 111

A) Jadhav is eligible to appeal for clemency/Indulgence to the army chief under Pakistan’s law
B) Pakistan has repeatedly denied India consular assess/access to Jadhav in violation of the Vienna Convention
C) The Central government has taken/has been taken a maximalist position that has aggravated the problem.
(a) 112
(b) 121
(c) 211
(d) 222
(e) 111

1. A
2. C
3. B
4. E
5. A
6. C
7. D
8. E
9. D
10. C
11. C
12. D
13. D
14. A
15. B
16. A
17. C
18. E
19. E
20. B