1. PROD (VERB): incite

Synonyms:  nudge, press               

Antonyms: discourage, repress

Example Sentence: He was prodded to complete the tasks.


  1. RAIL (VERB): scold

Synonyms: upbraid, berate

Antonyms: praise, compliment

Example Sentence: The kid was railed by the teacher for his misbehavior.



Synonyms: impractical, unrealistic     

Antonyms: practical, pragmatic

Example Sentence:

Having a moon top experience in an all new Honda city is a chivalrous situation.


  1. HUBBUB (NOUN): a confusion of voices and other sounds.

Synonyms: bedlam, clang

Antonyms: calm, peace

Example Sentence: The children filled the room with hubbub.


  1. DECIMATE (VERB): destroy

Synonyms: annihilate, exterminate

Antonyms: build, create

Example Sentence: She was trying to decimate my evening plans.


  1. PIOUS (ADJECTIVE): dedicated

Synonyms: devout, righteous

Antonyms: sinful, impious

Example Sentence: I have a pious feeling in my mind.


  1. TEEM (VERB): Overflow

Synonyms: overrun, full

Antonyms: lack, need    

Example Sentence: The sagas teem with references to the inhabitants..


  1. ANGUISH (NOUN): pain

Synonyms: affliction, desolation

Antonyms: euphoria, delight

Example Sentence: The patients admitted to safeguard hospital were in anguish.


  1. STATUTORY (ADJECTIVE): sanctioned

Synonyms: lawful, judicial

Antonyms: illegitimate, illicit

Example Sentence: Major Ranveer Singha is on a statutory parole.


  1. GUILE (NOUN): trickery

Synonyms: artfulness, artifice

Antonyms: honesty, forthrightness

Example Sentence: He is involved in a guile.