1. OVERTURN (VERB): invalidate

Synonyms: reverse, repeal

Antonyms:  approve, permit

Example Sentence: The Ministry of the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change has overturned the NGT verdict.

  1. INTENT (NOUN): intention

Synonyms: preoccupied, resolved

Antonyms: unfixed, unstable

Example Sentence: It signals the intent to support centres of excellence.


  1. NURTURE (NOUN): breeding

Synonyms: care, feed

Antonyms: deprivation, starvation

Example Sentence: The observatory symbols the background to support many people in need.


  1. SERENITY (NOUN): composure

Synonyms: calmness, patience

Antonyms: agitation, disturbance

Example Sentence: The riverside view is filled with serenity.


  1. PROXIMITY (NOUN): nearness

Synonyms: closeness, adjacency

Antonyms: remoteness, distance

Example Sentence: Do not operate cell phones in close proximity to television sets.


  1. CONSENT (NOUN): agreement

Synonyms: approval, sanction

Antonyms: denial, dissent

Example Sentence: The green signal is conditional on getting the consent from the government.


  1. PROPONENT (NOUN): advocate

Synonyms: defender, backer

Antonyms: antagonist, detractor

Example Sentence: Side stepping the requirements by the project proponents is not the ideal way.


  1. UNACCREDITED (ADJECTIVE): not recognized as having attained an acceptable standard

Synonyms: authorized, certified

Antonyms: unofficial, unauthorized

Example Sentence: The agreement was not done by the organization because it was known as unaccredited agency.


  1. PLAUSIBLE (ADJECTIVE): credible

Synonyms: reasonable, logical

Antonyms: unreasonable, illogical

Example Sentence: The details of the meetings were submitted to the people who have a plausible stake in the project.


  1. PRECEDENT (NOUN): an exemplar

Synonyms: paradigm, model

Antonyms: non standardization, imperfection

Example Sentence: There are substantial precedents for using interactive media in training