How should you make your points in GD



How should you make your points in GD


When a candidate speaks to his/her point in a group discussion, the moderator will judge him/her on three parameter, They are –


2.Verbal communication

  1. Non Verbal communication


Content –

The point that are about to make must-

Express richness (diversity/innovation) of your thought

Be structured

Express your knowledge (fact/quote) on the topic

Be relevant to the topic and the point that the group might be discssing at that moment


Verbal communication –

The way you put your content/point forward is also very important. It must –

Be simple and devoid of any jargons.

Be precise and short

Not be extreme in thoughts

Be practicals rather than ideal

Express modulatiion in your voice


Non Verbal communication –

While you are making your point your body language speaks simultaneously. It tells a lot about you. While speaking  you must-

Maintain eye contact with all the members

Body should be relaxed and calm

Hand movements should be controlled