One Word Substitution related Questions and Answers

1. People who work together
1. Worker
2. Superhuman
3. Colleagues
4. Expert

2. One who goes on foot
1. Machination
2. Pedestrian
3. Transmigration
4. Eccentric

3. One who can speak two languages
1. Bilingual
2. Polylingual
3. Polygamy
4. Oligarchy

4. Word with the same meaning
1. Antonyms
2. Idioms
3. Noun
4. Synonyms

5. The person who works for free
1. Member
2. Volunteer
3. Organiser
4. Servant

6. One who speaks less
1. Reticent
2. Misogynist
3. Hypocrite
4. Obsolete

7. One who talk in sleep
1. Celibate
2. Intestate
3. Somniloquy
4. Gullible

8. One who knows everything
1. Egoist
2. Vandal
3. Omniscient
4. Gullible

9. Practice of having several husbands
1. Bigamy
2. Polyandry
3. Omnipotent
4. Inimitable

10. Life history written by oneself
1. History
2. Biography
3. Autobiography
4. Novel

11. The person who collects coins
1. Numismatist
2. Oologist
3. Arctophile
4. Notaphilist

12. The person who collects stamps
1. Notaphilist
2. Scripophilist
3. Coleopterist
4. Philatelist

13. A Government by the few
1. Plagiarist
2. Oligarchy
3. Autocracy
4. Plutocracy

14. One who believes in god
1. Gnostic
2. Agnostic
3. Atheist
4. Theist

15. The person who believe in one god
1. Monoicous
2. Monotheism
3. Polytheists
4. Deists

16. Murder of a mother
1. Patricide
2. Infanticide
3. Matricide
4. Suicide

17. Person who writes with both hands
1. Ambisinistrous
2. Ambidextrous
3. Epitaph
4. Ventriloquist

18. Person who walks in sleep
1. Somnambulist
2. Mercenary
3. Misogynist
4. Idolatry

19. One who is unmarried
1. Insolvent
2. Celibate
3. Misogynist
4. Agnostic

20. Killing of another human being
1. Genocide
2. Homicide
3. Nemesis
4. Anodyne

1. 3
2. 2
3. 1
4. 4
5. 2
6. 1
7. 3
8. 3
9. 2
10. 3
11. 1
12. 4
13. 2
14. 4
15. 2
16. 3
17. 2
18. 1
19. 2
20. 2