1. What is the synonym for ERRONEOUS
A. Enormous
B. Wrong
C. Eraded
D. Weak

2. What is the synonym for SEIZE
A. Start
B. Release
C. Length
D. Grasp

3. What is the synonym for FABLE
A. Story
B. Weak
C. Truthful
D. Plant

4. What is the synonym for DASH
A. Crawl
B. Ball
C. Eye-brow
D. Hurry

5. What is the synonym for PREDICAMENT
A. Truthful
B. Easy
C. Quandary
D. Denial

6. What is the synonym for ALLOTMENT
A. Quantity
B. Everything
C. Share
D. Discussion

7. What is the synonym for NEAT
A. Portion
B. Almost
C. Negative
D. Dapper

8. What is the synonym for Moody
A. Skirmish
B. Position
C. Sullen
D. Advice

9. What is the synonym for OGLE
A. Parental
B. Seaming
C. Gaze
D. Leach

10. What is the synonym for INDOLENT
A. Lazy
B. Urgent
C. Menacing
D. Active

11. What is the synonym for ENGAGING
A. Married
B. Spellbinding
C. Boring
D. Understanding

12. What is the synonym for NOTION
A. Scribble
B. Marks
C. Thought
D. Slay

13. What is the synonym for SHROUD
A. Clean
B. Clothing
C. Messy
D. Conceal

14. What is the synonym for ESTEEM
A. Rule
B. Remarkable
C. Cherish
D. Menacing

15. What is the synonym for BUSTLE
A. Body
B. Break
C. Return
D. Hurry

16. What is the synonym for DARK
A. Grainy
B. Bright
C. Murky
D. Weak

17. What is the synonym for PERILOUS
A. Medical
B. Nostril
C. Risky
D. Unsolved

18. What is the synonym for SEVER
A. Inspect
B. Brand
C. Cleave
D. Pipe

19. What is the synonym for SOB
A. Inspect
B. Clean
C. Ring
D. Wail

20. What is the synonym for FRIGID
A. Fridge
B. Reliable
C. Chilly
D. Freedom

1. B
2. D
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. C
7. D
8. C
9. C
10. A
11. B
12. C
13. D
14. C
15. D
16. C
17. C
18. C
19. D
20. C