1. COALITION (NOUN): association

Synonyms: alliance, allied group

Antonyms: disunion, disassociation

Example Sentence: A coalition of conservationists is lobbying for a new forest preservation bill.


  1. ESCORT (NOUN): bodyguard

Synonyms: protector, safeguard

Antonyms: enemy, foe

Example Sentence: The escort was assigned to protect the inmate to court and then back to the jail.


  1. ELUDE (VERB): avoid

Synonyms: evade, dodge

Antonyms: assist, help

Example Sentence: The cruise ship was too big to elude the pirate vessel.


  1. ABOLISH (VERB): cancel

Synonyms: nullify, terminate

Antonyms: sanction, validate

Example Sentence: The politician filibustered to abolish the unjust law.


  1. DEVOIR (NOUN): responsibility

Synonyms: onus, burden

Antonyms: hobby, pastime

Example Sentence: You have done your devoir right well.


  1. PREPONDERTAE (VERB): dominate

Synonyms: dictate, outshine

Antonyms: fall behind, follow

Example Sentence: The advantages preponderate over this apparent disadvantage.


  1. CANNY (ADJECTIVE): clever

Synonyms: shrewd, prudent

Antonyms: imprudent, foolish

Example Sentence: Canny customers will switch banks.


  1. EXPLOIT (NOUN): accomplishment

Synonyms: attainment, achievement

Antonyms: inaction, inactivity

Example Sentence: Many big companies sprang up to exploit this new technology.



Synonyms: acrimonious, petulant

Antonyms: nice, kind

Example Sentence: He saw miserable months of rancorous disputes.


  1. DON (VERB): enrobe

Synonyms: dress, clothe

Antonyms: undress, disrobe

Example Sentence: The little girl donned her doll.