1. The miser gazed …… at the pile of gold coins in front of him.
  2. avidly
  3. admiringly
  4. thoughtfully
  5. earnestly


  1. The grapes are now …… enough to be picked.
  2. ready
  3. mature
  4. ripe
  5. advanced


  1. My uncle decided to take …… and my sister to the market.
  2. I
  3. mine
  4. me
  5. myself


  1. Rohan and Rohit are twin brothers, but they do not look……
  2. unique
  3. different
  4. likely
  5. alike


  1. The ruling party will have to put its own house …… order.
  2. in
  3. on
  4. to
  5. into


  1. After the rain the weather …… and the sun came out.
  2. cleared out
  3. cleared up
  4. cleared away
  5. cleared off


  1. we had …… wonderful time at the party last night.
  2. such a
  3. so
  4. such
  5. very


  1. The criminal seems to have acted in …… the three others.
  2. collusion
  3. coalition
  4. collision
  5. cohesion


  1. However, the group’s long-term strategy is to …… on core sector business connected with infrastructure and energy.
  2. breed
  3. develop
  4. concentrate
  5. depend


  1. Nobody can …… me to do anything which I do not want to do.
  2. encourage
  3. request
  4. oppose
  5. compel


  1. She…… Rs 80 out of the bank every Friday.
  2. obtains
  3. draws
  4. pulls
  5. extracts.


  1. West Bengal …… plentiful rainfall and is consequently a very green part of the country.
  2. misses
  3. receives
  4. expects
  5. regrets


  1. ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’ are the little courtesies by which we keep the …… of life oiled and running smoothly.
  2. path
  3. machine
  4. garden
  5. river


  1. …… all intents and purposes, the manager is the master of the firm.
  2. in
  3. upon
  4. with
  5. to


  1. Physically we are now all neighbors, but psychologically. we are …… to each other.
  2. primitives
  3. complimentary
  4. strangers
  5. cowards


  1. The thief …… all the money.
  2. made up
  3. made off with
  4. mode do with
  5. made good


  1. The luggage was …… heavy for him to lift
  2. much
  3. as
  4. so
  5. too


  1. There is a keen …… in each trade.
  2. contest
  3. comparison
  4. competition
  5. cooperation


  1. The French …… reputed to have a very good sense of humour.
  2. is
  3. was
  4. are
  5. will be


  1. I have read one novel by Premchand. I want to read …… novel by him.
  2. other
  3. another
  4. all
  5. few




  1. A
  2. C
  3. C
  4. D
  5. A
  6. B
  7. A
  8. A
  9. C
  10. D
  11. B
  12. B
  13. B
  14. D
  15. C
  16. B
  17. D
  18. C
  19. C
  20. B