1. ODIUM (NOUN): (घिनौना) loathing

Synonyms: abhorrence, disgust

Antonyms: affection, liking

Example Sentence: After getting out of prison, the child molester still had to deal with odium from his neighbors.


  1. METTLE (NOUN): (दिलेरी) boldness

Synonyms: fortitude, spunk

Antonyms: timidity, cowardice

Example Sentence: The team showed their true mettle in the second half.


  1. PELT (VERB): (वेग से फ़ेकना) hurl

Synonyms: bombard, pound

Antonyms: block, catch

Example Sentence: He pelted stones at the strangers.


  1. OPPRESSION (NOUN): (उत्पीड़न) misery

Synonyms: despotism, maltreatment

Antonyms: kindness, affection

Example Sentence: Pakistan is nation that is known for its oppression.


  1. CONSTRICT (VERB): (जकड़ना/कसना) inhibit

Synonyms: circumscribe, astringe

Antonyms: loosen, liberate

Example Sentence: They constricted our rights because we were doing what’s correct.


  1. CIVIL (ADJECTIVE): (सभ्य) gentle

Synonyms: cordial, courteous

Antonyms: unmannerly, impolite

Example Sentence: They were comparatively civil to their son.


  1. INTROSPECTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (अंतदर्शनात्मक) thoughtful

Synonyms: reflective, insightful

Antonyms: unthoughtful, stupid

Example Sentence: They have to select the most introspective methods to complete the task.


  1. MOUSY (ADJECTIVE): (विनीत/संकोची) drab, quiet

Synonyms: bashful, dull

Antonyms: extroverted, fancy

Example Sentence: Everything you need to know but have been too mousy to ask.


  1. SHAMBLES (NOUN): (अव्यवस्था) a mess

Synonyms: disarray, chaos

Antonyms: harmony, order

Example Sentence: Snow caused shambles in the region.


  1. SQUABBLE (NOUN): (लड़ाई/झगड़ा) argument

Synonyms: altercation, difference

Antonyms: accord, similarity

Example Sentence: I don’t want to be engaged in the family squabbles.