1. COARSE (ADJECTIVE): (अशिष्ट) rude

Synonyms: discourteous, uncouth

Antonyms: refined, decent

Example Sentence: We should avoid using coarse language especially for females.


  1. PIECEMEAL (ADVERB): (आंशिक रूप से) not completely

Synonyms: partially, halfway

Antonyms: wholly, totally

Example Sentence: We have piecemeal completed the tasks given to us by the boss.


  1. GLIMPSE (NOUN): (झलक) brief look

Synonyms: peek, glance

Antonyms: stare, scrutiny

Example Sentence: Try to make your parents’ life easy because they won’t let you see a glimpse of problems.


  1. EVANESCE (VERB): (गायब हो जाना) disappear

Synonyms: dissolve, fade

Antonyms: appear, arrive

Example Sentence: The cold weather conditions have evanesced nowadays.


  1. SPURIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (नक़ली) fake

Synonyms: counterfeit, artificial

Antonyms: authentic, genuine

Example Sentence: Beware of spurious things for sale in the market because they can harm you.


  1. MALICE (NOUN): (द्वेष/दुर्भावना) hatred

Synonyms: antipathy, grudge

Antonyms: benevolence, kindness

Example Sentence: I bear no malice towards anybody.


  1. CONDUCIVE (ADJECTIVE): (सहायक) favorable

Synonyms: contributive, useful

Antonyms: unfavorable, hindering

Example Sentence: It will be conducive for Atul if you tell him what to do.


  1. VALOUR (NOUN): (वीरता) bravery

Synonyms: heroism, courage

Antonyms: cowardice, meekness

Example Sentence: Marathas’ valour is well known.


  1. MISGIVING (NOUN): (संदेह) doubt

Synonyms: distrust, cynicism

Antonyms: certainty, confidence

Example Sentence: His actions raised a lot of misgiving hence, we called the police.


  1. GENIAL (ADJECTIVE): (मिलनसार) friendly

Synonyms: cheerful, amiable

Antonyms: hostile, unfriendly

Example Sentence: It is always great to work with genial people