Reasoning Quiz 137



Directions (Ques. 1 to 5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of an input and its rearrangement (All of the numbers are two-digit numbers):
Input: 32 expert care 27 38 rain none 43 24 goal
Step I: care expert 27 38 rain none 43 24 goal 32
Step II: expert care 27 38 rain none 43 goal 32 24
Step III: goal expert care 27 38 rain none 32 24 43
Step IV: none goal expert care 38 rain 32 24 43 27Step V: rain none goal expert care 32 24 43 27 38
And Step V is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended arrangement is obtained.
As per the rules followed in the given steps, find out the appropriate steps for the given input.
Input: rules find 42 52 east 19 there main 21 35 dear 63

Q1. In step III, which element appears between ‘rules’ and ‘35’?
(A) Both ‘19’ and ‘there’
(B) Only ‘there’
(C) ‘19’, ‘there’ and ‘main’
(D) Both ‘19’ and ‘main’
(E) None of the above

Q2. What is the position of ‘dear’ to the left of ‘35’ in Step IV?
(A) Sixth
(B) Fifth
(C) Seventh
(D) Eighth
(E) None of the above

Q3. How many elements are there between ‘main’ and ‘42’ in the last step?
(A) Three
(B) Four
(C) Five
(D) Six
(E) None of the above

Q4. Which is the fourth element to the left of the seventh element from the left end in the second-last step?
(A) main
(B) rules
(C) 19
(D) 52
(E) None of the above

Q5. How many steps will be required to complete the arrangement?
(A) Six
(B) Seven
(C) Five
(D) Eight
(E) None of the above

Directions (Ques. 6 to 10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Eight persons L, M, N, O, P, Q, R and S are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. They belong to different cities, viz. Pakistan, Russia, India, Malaysia, Japan, Sri Lanka, Patiala and Germany, but not necessarily in the same order. They also read three different magazines – India Today, Chronicle and Times. At least two persons read one magazine. Only O and P read India Today and O sits third to the right of P. L is from Japan and reads Chronicle and sits on the immediate right of P. Q is from Malaysia and reads Times. S reads the same magazine as R. R is third to the left of Q. M sits opposite the person who is from Germany. N sits exactly opposite the person who belongs to Pakistan. The persons who belong to Sri Lanka and India read Chronicle. R is from Germany. M is from India. The persons who read Chronicle do not sit adjacent to each other. The one who is from Patiala does not read Chronicle or India Today. S is not from Sri Lanka.

Q6. Who among the following is from Russia?
(A) The one who reads Times
(B) O
(C) The one who reads Chronicle
(D) P
(E) None of the above

Q7. Which of the following groups read Times magazine?
(A) Q, R, S
(B) N, R, S
(C) M, N, S
(D) R, Q, N
(E) None of the above

Q8. P belongs to which of the following cities?
(A) Sri Lanka
(B) Russia
(C) Pakistan
(D) Patiala
(E) None of the above

Q9. Which of the following combinations is true?
(A) R-Chronicle- Germany
(B) N-Times-Russia
(C) O-India Today-Pakistan
(D) None is true
(E) None of the above

Q10. Which of the following statements is/are true?
(A) R is from Germany and reads Chronicle.
(B) N is from Sri Lanka and reads Chronicle.
(C) Q does not read Times.
(D) S belongs to Russia and reads India Today.
(E) None of the above

Directions (Ques.11 to 15): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Eight friends Hema, Himanshi, Hiral, Himani, Hena, Hansika, Hatiya and Hetal are sitting in a straight line facing north. All of them like a different subject, viz English, Hindi, Maths, Biology, Physics, Psychology, Chemistry and Accounts, but not necessarily in the same order. The one who reads Accounts sits third to the right of Hatiya. Hiral is on the immediate left of Hatriya. The person who reads Maths sits second to the left of Hiral. Himanshi sits second to the right of Hetal, who read neither Accounts nor Maths. Only two persons sit between Hiral and the one who reads Physics. Hema and Hansika are immediate neighbours and both of them do not read Accounts. The person who reads English sits second to the right of Hema. There are two persons between Himani and the one who reads Hindi. Himani does not like Accounts. The one who reads Psychology is an immediate neighbor of the one who reads Accounts. The one who reads Physics sits second to the left of Hema. One of the immediate neighbours of Hatiya reads Chemistry. Himani sits on an extreme end of the line.

Q11. Who among the following likes Biology?
(A) Hema
(B) Hetal
(C) Himanshi
(D) Himani
(E) None of the above

Q12. Who among the following sits on the immediate left of Hansika?
(A) Hiral
(B) Hema
(C) Himani
(D) Hena
(E) None of the above

Q13. Hiral likes which of the following subjects?
(A) Hindi
(B) English
(C) Psychology
(D) Biology
(E) None of the above

Q14. How many persons are there between Hema and Hetal?
(A) Three
(B) Two
(C) None
(D) Four
(E) None of the above

Q15. What is the position of Himanshi with respect to the one who likes Chemistry?
(A) Second to the left
(B) Second to the right
(C) Third to the right
(D) Fourth to the left
(E) None of the above

Directions (16-20): Study the following questions carefully and answer the questions given below:
Q16. Statement: The government has increased the price of aviation turbine fuel by 9.2 percent, while that of non-subsidized cooking gas was raised by Rs. 21 per cylinder.
Which of the following may be a problem reason(s) for the increase in the prices of turbine fuel and gas cylinder by the government?
(A) Increase in the price of gas and fuel in the international market.
(B) Increase in taxes of fuel and cooking gas by the government.
(C) Decrease in the subsidies given by the government of fuel and cooking gas
(D) To overcome the loss on the petroleum products by the oil marketing companies
(E) All the above

Q17. Statement: The pollution level in the cities of Kerala has reached an alarming level.
Which of the following courses of action should be taken by the Kerala government to decrease the pollution level in the cities?
(A) Closing down of chimneys and shifting of factories outside the cities.
(B) The government should make the use of CNG by vehicles maCivicstory in the cities.
(C) The government should increase the taxes on the registration of new diesel vehicles.
(D) The government should impose additional taxes on the entrance of diesel vehicle in the cities.
(E) All of these

Q18. Statement: The government has hiked the minimum support price (MSP) of paddy from Rs. 60 to Rs. 1,470 per quintal for the year 2016-17 kharif season.
Which of the following will not be an effect of the increase in the MSP by the government?
(A) Farmers’ income may increase in the country.
(B) The retail price of rice will decrease in the market.
(C) The production of kharif crop may increase for the year 2016-17.
(D) More farmers will cultivate kharif crops.
(E) All of these

Q19. Statement: Hong Kong & Shanghai Corp. (HSBC) has decided to shut 24 of its 50 branches in India.
Which of the following may be the reason for the shutdown of branches in India?
(A) Small number of retail customers
(B) Retail banking customer taking online route for their transaction
(C) Cost reduction measures taken by the bank
(D) Major branches of HSBC running in loss in the world
(A) Only (B) and (C)
(B) Only (A) and (D)
(C) Only (A) and (C)
(D) Only (A) and (B)
(E) None of the above

Q20. Statement: Future Group has launched a discount scheme on the first eight days of every month at the country’s largest supermarket chain Big Bazaar in the most aggressive attempt to compete with Amazon and Flipkart.
Which of the following will not be an effect of the scheme launched by the Future Group?
(A) The footfalls in Big Bazaar will increase.
(B) The profit of the Future Group will increase.
(C) The sale of the online companies running in the same business may decrease.
(D) The sales of small retailers will increase.
(E) Only (C) and (D)

Q1. C
Q2. D
Q3. B
Q4. E
Q5. A
Q6. B
Q7. A
Q8. C
Q9. D
Q10. B
Q11. A
Q12. C
Q13. A
Q14. B
Q15. B
Q16. E
Q17. E
Q18. B
Q19. A
Q20. D

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