English Quiz 136



1. The famous Dr. Chandra (a) / is only dentist (b) / in our village (c) / No error (d)
A. the famous Dr. Chandra
B. is only dentist
C. in our village
D. no error

2. This town isn’t very well known (a) / and there isn’t much to see (b) / so a few tourists come here (c) / No error (d)
A. this town isn’t very well known
B. and there isn’t much to see
C. so a few tourists come here
D. no error

3. He took to (a) / reading Times (b) / for better knowledge (c) / of the facts (d) / No error (e)
A. he took to
B. reading times
C. for better knowledge
D. of the facts E. no error

4. Suganya opened a almirah (a) / full of books (b) / and took one of them (c) / for reading (d) / No error (e)
A. suganya opened a almirah
B. full of books
C. and took one of them
D. for reading E. no error

5. As I was to reach (a) / early I left in aeroplane (b) / instead of (c) / going by train (d) / No error (e)
A. as I was to reach
B. early I left in aeroplane
C. instead of
D. going by train
E. no error

6. The school is (a) / within hundred yards (b) / from my house (c) / No error (d)
A. the school is
B. within hundred yards
C. from my house
D. no error

7. My friends insisted (a) / that I should see the movie (b) / from beginning to the end (c) / No error (d)
A. my friends insisted
B. that I should see the movie
C. from beginning to the end
D. no error

8. I go to the bed (a) / at eight (b) / every night (c) / No error (d)
A. i go to the bed
B. at eight
C. every night
D. no error

9. This candidate lacks (a) / an experience (b) / otherwise he is well qualified (c) / No error (d)
A. this candidate lacks
B. an experience
C. otherwise he is well qualified
D. no error

10. The road (a) / to famous monument (b) / passes through a forest (c) / No error (d)
A. the road
B. to famous monument
C. passes through a forest
D. no error

11. 11. I am not wealthy (a) / so I cannot afford (b) / to buy a expensive car (c) / No error (d)
A. i am not wealthy
B. so I cannot afford
C. to buy a expensive car
D. no error

12. The Interviewer asked me (a) / if I knew that (b) / Kalidas was the greater (c) / than any other poet (d) / No error (e)
A. the Interviewer asked me
B. if I knew that
C. Kalidas was the greater
D. than any other poet
E. no error

13. As soon as the teacher entered (a) / everyone fell (b) / in a silence (c) / No error (d)
A. as soon as the teacher entered
B. everyone fell
C. in a silence
D. no error

14. On my request (a) / Shalu introduced me (b) / to his friend (c) / who it singer and a scientist (d) / No error (e)
A. on my request
B. shalu introduced me
C. to his friend
D. who it singer and a scientist
E. no error

15. The man (a) / cannot live (b) / by bread alone (c) / No error (d)
A. the man
B. cannot live
C. by bread alone
D. no error

16. 16. The war of Mahabharata (a) / is the full length illustration (b) / of a righteous war (c) / No error (d)
A. the war of Mahabharata
B. is the full length illustration
C. of a righteous war
D. no error

17. My father is (a) / in bad mood (b) / today (c) / No error (d)
A. my father is
B. in bad mood
C. today
D. no error

18. It being rainy day (a) / we decided not to go out (b) / but to stay at home (c) / and watch a movie (d) / No error (e)
A. it being rainy day
B. we decided not to go out
C. but to stay at home
D. and watch a movie
E. no error

19. Most people would have (a) / attended the union meeting (b) / if they had (c) / had longer notice of it (d) / No error(e)
A. most people would have
B. attended the union meeting
C. if they had
D. had longer notice of it
E. no error

20. To perform this experiment (a) / drop little sugar (b) / into a glass of water(c) / No error (d)
A. to perform this experiment
B. drop little sugar
C. into a glass of water
D. no error

1. B
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. B
10. B
11. C
12. C
13. C
14. D
15. A
16. A
17. B
18. A
19. E
20. B