Rohit, who lost to his home in front of Rahane, won by 7 wickets




1.Shri Gadkari will inaugurate two National Highways in Punjab and will lay the foundation of a highway project :-

Union Road Transport, Highways, Shipping, Water Resources and Ganga Conservation Minister, Shri Nitin Gadkari will inaugurate the 4 lane National Highway -15 Amritsar in Bathinda, Bathinda and National Highway 64 from Jirakpur from Amritsar, and the National Highway-144B Project. Two-lane Munak-Jhalkal-Budalana will lay the foundation of the block.

The National Highway-175 of 175 kilometers is completed in 24 months with a cost of Rs 2893 crore. This will benefit the passengers as it will take only two hours to travel from Amritsar to Bhatinda.


2.Former Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif admitted that terrorists of his country were responsible for the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks :-

Image result for PM Nawaz SharifFormer Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has admitted that active terrorists were involved in Pakistan in the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks. One hundred and sixty people were killed in these attacks. In an interview with Dawn of Pakistan, Mr. Sharif questioned his country’s policy of killing people in Mumbai by sending across the border of non-official elements of Pakistan.

This statement of Mr. Sharif is being considered as very important. Pakistan has consistently denied the allegation of India that the Mumbai attacks were sponsored by Pakistan.Shri Sharif said that the terrorist organization in Pakistan is active. He said that Pakistan has been isolated in the world.


3.Army Chief General Bipin Rawat on a five-day visit to Colombo :-

Army Chief General Bipin Rawat is reaching Sri Lanka’s capital Colombo on a five-day trip on Sunday. During this visit, General Rawat will meet Sri Lankan nationalist Maitripala Sirisena, Prime Minister Ranil Vikram Singh and the military chiefs. India trains more than two thousand officers and staff of the Sri Lankan Army. Our correspondent has said that General Rawat will also discuss this relationship further strengthening.


4.NASA to send automatic helicopter on Mars :-

Image result for NASAAmerican Space Agency NASA will also send an automatic helicopter with the Mars mission being launched in July 2020. The 1.8 kilogram helicopter will display the ability and practicality of the heavy vehicles from the air on the neighboring planet. The helicopter made in NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab is equal to the soft ball. Its blades are 10 times higher than the Earth on the red planet that means three thousand revolutions in each minute.

From its launch, America will become the first country to send helicopters on another planet. In this, solar cells have been installed to keep the vehicle warm during charging of batteries and cold during the night. Helicopters flying on the earth at a height of 40 thousand feet. But Mars’s atmosphere is only one percent of the Earth, so when it arrives it will fly at a height of one million feet of earth. In February 2021, the helicopter will be deployed to a suitable location when landed with Rover. After the battery is charged, the scientist sitting on the earth will give command and an automatic helicopter will fly on another planet for the first time in history. Five times during the 30-day flight test, this helicopter will fly about 100 meters and 90 seconds. It is known that the 2020 Mars Mars Mission will be launched from Atlanta V Rocket from Cape Canaverral Air Force Station, Florida.


5.Oriental Bank loses 1,650 crores :-

Image result for Oriental BankThe net loss of the public sector Oriental Bank of Commerce (OBC) reached Rs 1,650.22 crore in the fourth quarter of fiscal year ending March 2017-18. This figure was Rs 1,218.01 crore in the corresponding quarter of the financial year 2016-17. In the information given to the stock exchange, the bank said that the total income in the reporting period was Rs 4,689.12 crore. In the same period a year ago, it was Rs 5,093.84 crore. Gross NPA of Gross NPA of the bank reached 17.63% of its gross debt. It was 13.73 percent a year ago.

The net NPA remained at 10.48 percent of net credit, which was 8.96 percent a year ago. However, in the last quarter, the bank’s provision for NPA is low. The bank has made provision of Rs 2,419.47 crore for the NPA during this period. A year ago, a provision of Rs 3,050.60 crore was made in this item. In the entire financial year 2017-18, the bank’s net loss was Rs 5,871.74 crore. During this period, his total income was Rs 20,181.25 crore. In the financial year 2016-17, the figures were Rs 1,094.07 crore and Rs 21,187.85 crore respectively.


6.Indian army will no longer be subjected to lack of ammunition, project approval of 15 thousand crores :-

Image result for भारतीय सेना After the discussions of the year, the army has finalized a major project of Rs. 15 thousand crore. Under this, swadeshi ammunition will be manufactured for the important weapons and tanks of the army. This will not only get rid of the delay in imports but also the problem of decreasing ammunition will also be diagnosed.


7.Now poor patients will be treated for free and will be brought home from the hospital for free :-

Image result for गरीब मरीजों का मुफ्त में होगा इलाजIn addition to providing free treatment to the poor under Ayushman India, patients will also be given adequate management to leave the hospital. Not only this, the government will also bear all the expenses of treatment before and after the hospitalization of the patient. The biggest thing is that a poor person can not be deprived of free treatment by citing chronic disease.


8.UK: Hinduja Brothers in second list of rich, 48 Indians in the list, know who is on top :-

The crown of being the richest British from the head of the Hinduja Brothers has been snatched. Britain’s entrepreneur Jim Ratcliffe has secured him the second place in the list of Britain’s rich list. The Hinduja Brothers were first in the list in the year 2017.

According to the list of British Emirors released by the Sunday Times, Ratcliff’s total assets are 21.05 billion pounds. The total assets of Hinduja brothers who were in second place were estimated at 20.64 billion pounds. Ratcliffe was at 18th place last year. British American media stalwart Sir Lane Blawatnik was ranked third on the list with 15.26 billion pounds this year. The fourth place is Indian-origin entrepreneur brother David and Simone Ruben. Their property is 15.09 billion pounds. Indian-origin steel tycoon Lakshmi Niwas Mittal, who was fourth in last year, slipped to fifth position this year. His total assets were valued at 14.66 billion pounds.


9.At the speed of 28 thousand miles, on the night of May 15, the earth will pass through Asteroid :-

Image result for Asteroid 2010 WC 9The ‘Asteroid 2010 WC 9’, traveling in space, will pass through the earth at 11.05 pm on May 15 [Tuesday] at night. This rocky asteroid, 130 meters long, will pass through the distance of approximately 126 miles from Earth.

On May 15, only 126 miles from Earth will be the distance.

The worrying thing is that after 300 years, this asteroid, which is coming after 300 years, will pass so close to Earth. At the time when it will pass through the Earth, its speed will be more than 28,000 miles per hour. This information is provided by, a website that works on space.


10.Rohit, who lost to his home in front of Rahane, won by 7 wickets :-

Image result for रहाणेMumbai Indians and Rajasthan Royals were in front of Mumbai’s Wankhede Stadium in the 47th match of IPL 2018. In this match, Rohit’s team was playing on their home ground, but one of them did not face Rahane and Mumbai lost by 7 wickets.