Key Skills Required to Crack Bank Interview


There are a few important skills that the interviewer will look for, in you:

  1. Clarity of thoughts
  2. Confidence in your knowledge
  3. Honesty
  4. Good communication skills
  5. Good work ethics
  6. Seriousness about job


To Crack A Bank Interview – Physical Appearance –

How you carry yourself, how immaculate your dressing up is, etc. portray your sincerity and sense of pre-planning. Here are a few things you need to keep in mind:

  1. Be neat and clean (Clean shaven, trimmed hair, clean and trimmed nails)
  2. Nicely ironed formal shirt (a coat and tie, if possible), trousers and polished shoes
  3. Neither you should stink nor should you use a perfume/deodorant that’s very strong


Etiquette to Crack A Bank Interview –

Here are some tiny but significant details that you need to keep in mind right from the beginning and throughout your interview:

  1. Ask permission to come in
  2. Shake hands with the panel (if they are in your reach), introducing yourself
  3. Ask permission to sit down
  4. Offer them a copy of your bio-data each and your certificates, if any
  5. Carry a pen, some blank paper


Right Posture for Insurance & Bank Interview –

Body language is very important! Especially so when it reflects your seriousness!!! Here’s how you can maintain a pleasant body language:

  1. Sit straight, slightly leaning to the front (it shows your attentiveness), with hands on the table (in front of you) or on your lap
  2. Make eye contacts and smile occasionally
  3. You can use your hands while explaining things, it makes your explanation more expressive
  4. You can sit cross-legged or in a simple position, depends upon your comfort

Initiate Conversation –

Don’t wait for them to start, if they don’t ask anything within 5 seconds, you can start introducing yourself.

Questions Asked in Interviews –

1.Tell Me About yourself –

This is a very important question in any interview

2. Why this question is so important? –

  1. It gives interviewer topics to ask you questions, hence, you can direct your interview in the direction you want to
  2. To see how articulate and confident you are and what type of impression you will make on your first meeting
  3. Also to understand what you think is important to know about you


The Wrong Approach:-

Asking the interviewer, what he wants to know.

The Right Approach:-

  1. Focus on what most interests the interviewer (focus on the areas you think are relevant and will prove your candidature for the job). The interviewer wants to know if you can do the job, that you fit into the team and how can you help the organization
  2. Highlight your most important accomplishments. In other words, you want to be selling what the buyer is buying
  3. You can tell a story about your nature

For example, if you tell an interviewer that people describe you as tenacious, provide a brief story that shows how you have been tenacious in achieving your goals. Stories are powerful ways to convey a message

Things that you can cover :-

1. About Yourself –

About yourself, Background, Education, Strength/Weaknesses, Role Model, Career Goal, Example of leading a team, Example of being a team player (However, elaborate only the one’s you are confident about and skimming through rest of the things)


2. Your hobbies –

Example 1: (Photography) Effect of digital equipment on photography and some basic concepts of photography, nomenclature

Example 2: (Reading) Recent book you read (questions around it), your favorite authors (names of their books), popular awards in writing

Example 3: (Sports) Basic rules, famous players, national team, won tournaments

3. Extra Curricular Activity –

Example 1: Can ask some foreign language words (If you mentioned some other language in the biodata form)

Example 2: What is 6sigma, how this formula is derived and its significance in manufacturing industry (If you have work experience of Manufacturing Industry) or questions related to Assembly line and processes involved

Example 3: Technical definitions, theorems (Conversion of degree Celsius to other forms, Rules of Thermodynamics, Engines. Electricity, Circuits etc. based upon your graduation stream)


4. Career objectives –

Long term and short term goals (This is where you talk about your expectations from a job)

What is a good job?

  1. That pays you good salary
  2. Involves work that you like
  3. Teaches you things to make you a better person
  4. Teaches you to take you forward in your career
  5. Respects your work and you as an individual

So your answer will be, to find a job that fits all the above parameters (this is your long term goal) as you will be spending half of your life in a job, and it’s very important that you find the right job.

And your short term goal is to keep trying new things unless you find one with all the above parameter.

Will you leave this job, if given a better offer?

Yes, if that job gives me a better chance at achieving the above mentioned things


5. Your knowledge of the current job profile, and reasons for joining –

You should know the work profile of a Probationary Officer, his role, powers etc.

You should be able to explain how your past experiences (Education/Work/Extra Curricular) have made you realized the this is what wanted to do all the time and how that knowledge will help you work in a better way

The reason cannot be that this is a stable, good paying job that’s why you are joining it (they want candidates who like the work and not the money it offers or stability or social status if provides)


6. Knowledge of Banking/Insurance Industry (in general), Economic news etc –

  • History and general knowledge questions on Bank or Insurance that you are appearing for
  • Roles and functioning of the Bank and the Insurance Company
  • Products and Schemes of Banks and Insurance Company
  • Who’s who of Banking/Insurance Industry
  • Regulatory Bodies of India
  • Terminologies
  • Basic Definitions
  • Current Banking And Economic Related News


7. Current Affairs –

  • Questions regarding topics in news or topics regarding the institute that you are planning to join will be asked.
  • You can also be asked your views regarding the topics that are controversial.
  • This shows your hold on issues of general interest and your ability to stay updated with the surroundings.

8. Questions related to your stance on the GD topic, terminologies used –

  • You may also be asked about your performance in the Group Discussion.
  • You may also be cross questioned on the stand you took during the Group Discussion.
  • If the Interviewer wants to test you, he or she may also want to debate with you on certain topics that you may have introduced in the group discussion.