Chronicle Of A Victory Foretold”

On Sunday, June 24, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his Justice and Development Party (AKP) won both the presidential and the parliamentary elections. The elections were conducted in extraordinary circumstances. Hundreds of journalists are in prison, as are thousands of political opponents — including the leader of one of the main Opposition parties, Selahattin Demirtaş. The state-run media did not care to be neutral. Most state institutions, including the electoral commission, put themselves forward as the champions for Mr. Erdoğan’s re-election. But while Mr. Erdoğan and the AKP certainly won the vote — including the presidential election by the first round — he will have a hard time winning legitimacy for this victory. The state-run news outlet, Anadolu Agency, first announced that Mr. Erdoğan had won 70% of the votes in the presidential contest. Then, they adjusted the percentage downwards to 59% and eventually to 52%. The initial number was crucial. It created the sense of overwhelming triumph for Mr. Erdoğan. His margin of victory was slim, and even slimmer if we acknowledge that 11% of his party alliance’s overall support of 53% in the Parliament came from the far-right Nationalist Movement Party (MHP).

Without the MHP behind him in the presidential contest, Mr. Erdoğan may have been forced into a run-off against the standard bearer of the old national guard, Muharrem İnce of the Republican People’s Party (CHP). But the fact of the matter is that in the end Mr. Erdoğan took more than half the vote. He was able to win votes in both his rural strongholds and in the urban areas. The way he positions himself is crucial — as a Turkish nationalist, including a protector of Turkish business interests, and as a Sunni internationalist. He remains able to mop up the votes of the Anatolian business communities of different sizes and of the pious electorate. It helped that he was in alliance with the MHP, the near-fascist bloc although it is startling to realise that in this election the Turkish people supported another right-wing party, the İYİ or Good Party.

The Good Party is led by Meral Akşener, a former Minister of the Interior with a controversial background in the deep state. It was even more remarkably in alliance with the CHP. None of this mattered to Mr. Erdoğan’s steamroller effect. He swept up his core votes and managed to go past the margin with the help of his own tethered far right-wing allies. Mr. Erdoğan had called for elections a year before they were due. This was a clever political move. Undercurrents suggest that the Turkish economy will implode before the year is over. It would have been perilous for him to go to the people in the midst of a full-blown crisis. Careful monetary policy has put off the crisis. It is what gave him the opportunity to establish his political authority before he tackles the economic weakness of Turkey. In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, new money was created to break the unavailability of credit.


1) Legitimacy

Meaning: Conformity to the law or to rules.

Example: “Refusal to recognize the legitimacy of both governments”

2) Crucial

Meaning: Decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something.

Example: “Negotiations were at a crucial stage”

Synonyms: Pivotal, Critical

Antonyms: Minor

3) Overwhelming

Meaning: Have a strong emotional effect on.

Example: “I was overwhelmed with guilt”

Synonyms: Overcome, Move

4) Slimmer

Meaning: (Of something abstract, especially a chance or margin) very small.

Example: “There was just a slim chance of success”

Synonyms: Slight, Small

Antonyms: Good, Strong

5) Alliance

Meaning: A union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations.

Example: “A defensive alliance between Australia and New Zealand”

Synonyms: Association, Union

6) Run-off

Meaning: A further competition, election, race, etc., after a tie or inconclusive result.

Example: “He won only 49 per cent of the vote, so a run-off will be held”

7) Bearer

Meaning: A person who presents a cheque or other order to pay money.

Example: “Promissory notes payable to the bearer”

Synonyms: Holder, Possessor

8) Strongholds

Meaning: A place where a particular cause or belief is strongly defended or upheld.

Example: “The seat appeared to be an impregnable Tory stronghold”

Synonyms: Bastion, Centre

9) Mop up

Meaning: The activity of dealing with a small number of people, problems, etc. that remain after most of them have been defeated or solved.

Example: “The war was effectively over, although skirmishing and mopping-up went on for some time”

10) Pious

Meaning:Making or constituting a hypocritical display of virtue.

Example:”His pious platitudes”

Synonyms: Insincere, Self-righteous

Antonyms: Sincere

11) Bloc

Meaning:A group of countries or political parties with common interests who have formed an alliance.

Example: “The Soviet bloc”

Synonyms: Alliance, Association

12) Startling

Meaning:Very surprising, astonishing, or remarkable.

Example: “He bore a startling likeness to their father”

Synonyms: Surprising, Astonishing

Antonyms: Predictable, Ordinary

13) Controversial

Meaning: Giving rise or likely to give rise to controversy or public disagreement.

Example: “Years of wrangling over a controversial bypass”

Synonyms: Contentious, Moot

Antonyms: Uncontroversial, Anodyne

14) Remarkably

Meaning: In a way that is worthy of attention.

Example: “You have performed remarkably”

15) Steamroller

Meaning:(Of a government or other authority) forcibly pass (a measure) by restricting debate or otherwise overriding opposition.

Example: “The government’s trying to steamroller a law through”

16) Swept up

Meaning: To win some set of competitive events completely and decisively.

Example: He swept up the running events and won four medals.

17) Tethered

Meaning: Tie (an animal) with a rope or chain so as to restrict its movement.

Example: “The horse had been tethered to a post”

Synonyms: Tie, Hitch

Antonyms: Unleash, Release

18) Undercurrents

Meaning: An underlying feeling or influence, especially one that is contrary to the prevailing atmosphere and is not expressed openly.

Example: “Racial undercurrents”

Synonyms: Undertone, Overtone

19) Implode

Meaning: Collapse or cause to collapse violently inwards.

Example: “Both the windows had imploded”

20) Perilous

Meaning: Full of danger or risk.

Example: “A perilous journey south”

Synonyms: Dangerous, Risky

Antonyms: Safe, secure

21) Midst

Meaning: The middle part or point.

Example: “He left his flat in the midst of a rainstorm”

Synonyms: Middle, Centre

22) Full-blown

Meaning: Fully developed.

Example: “The onset of full-blown AIDS in persons infected with HIV”

Synonyms: Complete, Advanced

Antonyms: Partial

23) Tackles

Meaning: Make determined efforts to deal with (a problem or difficult task).

Example: “Police have launched an initiative to tackle rising crime”

Synonyms: Address, Approach

24) Aftermath

Meaning: The consequences or after-effects of a significant unpleasant event.

Example: “Food prices soared in the aftermath of the drought”

Synonyms: Fallout, Trail