‘River Basin Authority’ will be built for dozens of rivers along with Ganga


1.’River Basin Authority’ will be built for dozens of rivers along with Ganga:-

In order to tackle the water management and inter-state water disputes, the government is preparing to form River Basin Authority for river along river Ganges and for more than a dozen other rivers. The Center can present the ‘River Basin Management Bill 2018’ in the winter session of Parliament by taking steps in this direction. The Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Protection Ministry have made this bill public and made public for the general public’s reaction.

After taking the form of the legislation, the river basins, which are to be formed for the law, include basin of Ganga basin, Godavari basin, Brahmaputra-Barak and other rivers of Northeast, Brahmani-Vatarni basin, Kaveri basin, Indus basin, Krishna basin, Mahanadi basin, Mahi basin, Narmada basin, Pennar basin, SwarnaKhera basin and Tapi basin are included. Basin means a geographical area with a main river and its tributaries flowing and it joins the sea by going to the river.

2.Sikkim won United Nations award for full biological state:-

India’s first full biological state Sikkim won the United Nations Supported Future Policy Award on Friday. According to the award organizers, where 66,000 farmers benefited from the policies of the state. At the same time promoting tourism has presented examples for other countries as well.
Explain that Sikkim was declared the country’s first biological state in 2016, with the elimination of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and replacing lasting alternatives at their place. Maria Helena Semedo, deputy director general of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), co-organizing the award, said that this award is an honor for exceptional policies created by political leaders against hunger, poverty and environmental degradation. He said that Sikkim’s experience shows that 100% organic farming is not a dream but a reality.

The second prize is divided into three countries. While preparing a policy regarding the purchase of foods for school food, Brazil has been honored, while Denmark has received respect for making more policy related to the purchase of organic food. Aquitaor’s capital Quito has also been honored for promoting urban horticulture as well.
Please note that earlier this award was given to desertification policies, against women and girls, against policies created against pollution of nuclear weapons and oceans. This year this award was kept for agricultural science.

3.Selling gold and silver in this place is also considered sin, it is also considered sin:-

There will be hardly any market in the country or the world, where goldsmiths do not have a jewelry store. But there is a city in Himachal Pradesh where there is no single goldsmith shop. It is not that there is no demand for gold or silver in this city. The demand is so much that it can be estimated from here that only one kilometer in this city or in adjoining town, there are hundreds of small shops of goldsmiths in the other town. But there is no single shop of goldsmith in Baijnath of District Kangra.

Malkh Raj Mehta, former head of the Baijnath trade division, points out that this had been going on for a number of years that neither Dashera is celebrated nor is there any movement of gold silver. But this was just one thing heard and two to three people started this work in the seventies. But the shops were either burnt or there was so much loss that no one dared to start the shop here. Retired teacher Ramesh Chadha says that there is no proof that why this happens, but in some places it is linked to the Shiv temple located here.


Interesting information about Baijnath temple

  • The temple was built in the 12th century.
  • In the year 1905, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake in Kangra was destroyed, but this temple was saved.
  • There are many such idols, including Lord Ganesh in the temple, which are not present in any other temple or place till date.
  • In the temple, a brown rat coming near Lord Ganesha’s idol is still a subject of curiosity.
  • The art style of the Baisanath temple is unique in itself.


4.ICC released Global Women’s T-20 ranking, Indian women cricket team at number:-

The International Cricket Council (ICC) has started the Global Women’s T20 Rankings. The three-time T-20 World Cup winners are the first team in the ranking of the first global 46 teams in the Australian team. The Indian team has been ranked fifth in this ranking. Scotland has been ranked 11th in Associate Members in this ranking. Thailand is ranked 12th. All the T-20 matches from the Asia Cup played in June have been considered internationally. To reach the rankings table, a team must play six T20 matches in the last three-four years. Australia has the second place after New Zealand. There is a three-point difference between Australia and New Zealand. To maintain the position of 280 points, the Aussies will have to win 3-0 in the series against Pakistan Women’s team in Malaysia from October 25 to 29.

England’s team is third and West Indies is in fourth position. South Africa sixth, Pakistan seventh, Sri Lanka is eighth. Bangladesh is ranked ninth and Ireland is ranked 10th.

5.Oil reserve will make India to meet oil needs in emergency:-

India is planning to buy oil from oil producers and traders around the world to maintain the extra oil reserves in the Emergency. For this, $ 1.5 billion can be invested. HPS Ahuja, Chief Executive Officer of Indian Strategic Petroleum Reserve Limited said that the plan to build the underground tank is to make the crude oil safe. They will be made at two different places, in which 65 lakh tonnes of crude oil can be kept. He said that with the construction of storage facilities, there will be less burden on state finance and the government will be able to meet its budget goals.

It is known that India imports 85% of crude oil on its own needs. In order to relieve the rising oil prices in the country, the government has cut tax this month.

HPS Ahuja said that our emphasis on raising crude oil reserves is to build the tank and reserve oil in it. He said that this step is possible for investors to get benefits in the coming time. According to HPS Ahuja, we will continue to accumulate crude in these tanks of oil.

The two tanks for the oil storage are under construction, both of which are located in the southern state of the country. First Odisha’s Chandichole and the other in Karnataka’s Paradak. Chandichol will have 40 lakh tonnes of oil storage facility, whereas in Padur, 25 lakh tonnes of crude oil will be stored.

6.The longest non-stop flight in the world, full of flight, will be completed in 19 hours 16 thousand km journey:-

Flight of Singapore Airlines took place at night at 11.30 pm It will be the world’s longest non-stop flight. This flight will complete 16,700 km journey from Singapore’s Changi airport to New York in 19 hours. Airbus A350-900ULR plane has been used for this flight. It has the capacity to accommodate 161 passengers. It has 67 Business Class and 94 Premium Class seats.

This is not the first time the flight service has started on this route. It was also flying five years ago, but it was closed due to price rise. Now it has been started five years later. This flight has a rental class of Rs. 119647 per person for the premium class and 277765 rupees per person for the business class. In the future, the company plans to start flights from Singapore to Los Angeles.

Moving on a steady pace, this flight will travel from Singapore to New York in 18 hours and 45 minutes. Pilot has the option to fly for 20 consecutive hours in reserve.

7.Love for India in Central Asian countries due to family and cultural values: External Affairs Minister:-

External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj has said that India’s cultural and historical links with Central Asia are centuries old. Addressing the Diaspora in Tajikistan’s capital, Dushmbe, Mrs Swaraj said that love for India in Central Asian countries is due to family and cultural values. He said that India’s relationship with these countries has reached new heights during the tenure of the NDA government.

The higher the relationship with these countries in the tenure of the present government, it will be further elevated. If you see so much such a journey in such a short time. The Prime Minister came here, just a day before the President went there. This is my second visit to myself. They say that this is the central Asian country in which Tajikistan is included, what the Tajikistan values ​​for us.

8.Government assures- India will not face internet shutdown in case of internet shutdown:-

A senior government official related to cyber security has said that between the news of internet shutdown in the world, there is no threat of internet blackout in India and no internet shutdown will be encountered. Talking to reporters, National Cyber ​​Security Coordinator Gulshan Roy said that all the arrangements are tight and that there will be no internet shutdown in India.

Russian news channel  Russia   reported that due to the routine maintenance of Internet networks in the next 48 hours, those who use the internet in the world can have trouble in internet facilities at large level.

9.Government increased import duty on certain commodity items:-

The government has increased the import duty on many items related to communication to 20 percent. These include the base station. These customs have come into effect . In a fortnight, the government has increased the import tariff for the second time. This increase has been made in the fee on some parts imported for the printer circuit board assembly used in the communication industry.

10.Young shooter Manu Bhakti becomes second Indian to win two medals in Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires:-

Youth Shooter Manu Bhakra has become the second Indian to achieve this achievement after winning two medals in the youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires after Judoka Tobabi Devi. Manu won Silver Medal in the Mixed International Competition of 10m Pistol with Bahazan Fezulayev of Tajikistan. Manu won the first medal in gold medal in the 10m air pistol event. India has got two gold and three silver medals in shooting. In these games, India has so far received three gold and five silver medals.