Topic Of The Day:-“A wide Democratic field”

Party Leaders Seek To Capitalise On Soaring Anti-Trump Sentiment To Enter The Primaries

As expected, the array of presidential hopefuls for the 2020 U.S. election has widened considerably on the Democratic Party side, with at least eight candidates declared running, another six likely to run, and a further eight potential entrants sitting on the fence. Some analysts put the total size of the potential Democratic aspirational pool at 34. The latest addition to the list was Kamala Harris, a first-term Senator from California and daughter of Indian and Jamaican immigrants. Ms. Harris enters this crowded arena with the heft of her star power, having accumulated considerable political capital through her tough questioning of President Donald Trump’s cabinet nominees — including then Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who admitted that being grilled by Ms. Harris made him “nervous” — and other notables. Nevertheless, she was beaten to it by the New Year’s Day announcement of Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, a top-tier Democrat who also took on Mr. Trump over policy issues but attracted criticism for an unnecessary controversy over a DNA test to establish her Native American ancestry. While it is likely that the two Senators will remain on the ballot when the first state, Iowa, heads to the primaries in early February 2020, most entrants between now and then are expected to drop out as their popularity and donor-support figures come into sharper focus.

That is the real question at the heart of America’s complex Democratic primary: why are so many candidates throwing their hats in the ring at this juncture, and what does it tell us about the challenge that the ultimate nominee will pose to Mr. Trump’s re-election prospects? First, whoever wins the nomination will inherit the burden — and benefits — of the considerable anti-Trump sentiment that is swirling across diverse pockets of the country. An early indication of this likely outcome lies in the fact that most prospective candidates have announced policy positions that are situated in the centre-left of the American political spectrum, positioning themselves against Trump on immigration, health care, criminal justice and more. An example of such a policy position is Medicare-for-All, which not only Ms. Harris and Ms. Warren, but some newcomers too, such as Julián Castro, the former mayor of San Antonio, Texas, consider a part of their core agenda. Second, the Democratic universe is enthusiastic about this race as Mr. Trump not only lost the popular vote in 2016, by 46% to 48%, nearly three million votes, but also, currently, has the worst net approval rating of any post-World War II U.S. President. However, a big challenge that looms for Democratic candidates is to gauge the way independent voters, who often keep their voting preferences secret from pollsters, lean. These voters were the undoing of Hillary Clinton in the Rust Belt states, and they could again tip the scales back toward the nativist populism of their Commander-in-Chief.

meanings and words

1) declared

Meaning : openly or formally asserted or announced.

Synonyms : stated

Antonyms : undeclared

Example : “despite the company’s declared good intentions, some remained sceptical”

2) entrants

Meaning : a person or group that enters or takes part in something.

Synonyms : contestant

Antonyms : expert

Example : “the prize will be awarded to the entrant who wins the tiebreak”

3) aspirational

Meaning : having or characterized by aspirations to achieve social prestige and material success.

Synonyms : ambition

Antonyms : dislike

Example : “young, aspirational, and independent women”

4) accumulated

Meaning : gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of.

Synonyms : accrue

Antonyms : contract

Example : “investigators have yet to accumulate enough evidence”

5) Nevertheless

Meaning : in spite of that; notwithstanding; all the same.

Synonyms : though

Example : “statements which, although literally true, are nevertheless misleading”

6) attracted

Meaning : cause to come to a place or participate in a venture by offering something of interest or advantage.

Synonyms : entice

Antonyms : disenchant

Example : “a campaign to attract more visitors to Shetland”

7) criticism

Meaning : the expression of disapproval of someone or something on the basis of perceived faults or mistakes.

Synonyms : critique

Antonyms : neglect

Example : “he received a lot of criticism”

8) establish

Meaning : achieve permanent acceptance or recognition for.

Synonyms : enact

Antonyms : destroy

Example : “the principle of the supremacy of national parliaments needs to be firmly established”

9) ancestry

Meaning : one’s family or ethnic descent.

Synonyms : descent

Antonyms : effect

Example : “he was proud of his Irish ancestry”

10) entrants

Meaning : a person or group that enters or takes part in something.

Synonyms : contestant

Antonyms : expert

Example : “the prize will be awarded to the entrant who wins the tiebreak”

11) juncture

Meaning : a particular point in events or time.

Synonyms : exigency

Antonyms : advantage

Example : “it is difficult to say at this juncture whether this upturn can be sustained”

12) prospects

Meaning : the possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring.

Synonyms : chance

Antonyms : impossibility

Example : “there was no prospect of a reconciliation”

13) inherit

Meaning : receive (money, property, or a title) as an heir at the death of the previous holder.

Synonyms : acquire

Antonyms : forfeit

Example : “she inherited a fortune from her father”

14) indication

Meaning : a sign or piece of information that indicates something.

Synonyms : gesture

Antonyms : misinformation

Example : “the visit was an indication of the improvement in relations between the countries”

15) prospective

Meaning : expected or expecting to be the specified thing in the future.

Synonyms : expected

Antonyms : concurred

Example : “she showed a prospective buyer around the house”

16) enthusiastic

Meaning : having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

Synonyms : anxious

Antonyms : apathetic

Example : “he could be wildly enthusiastic about a project”

17) looms

Meaning : an apparatus for making fabric by weaving yarn or thread.

Synonyms : dominate

Antonyms : decline

Example : “You cannot weave truth on a loom of lies.”

18) preferences

Meaning : a greater liking for one alternative over another or others.

Synonyms : inclination

Antonyms : dislike

Example : “her preference for white wine”

19) widened

Meaning : make or become wider.

Synonyms : enlarge

Antonyms : compress

Example : “we should widen the scope of our investigation”