Vocab Of The Day – 06/03/2017



1.PRUDE (ADJECTIVE): conservative

Synonyms: victorian, puritan

Antonyms: contemporary, modern

Example Sentence:  The old lady came across as a prude person to the teenagers.


  1. ADORATION (NOUN): intense love

Synonyms: admiration, veneration

Antonyms: disregard, hatred

Example Sentence:  The man smiled in adoration at his daughter’s attempt at cooking.



Synonyms: aimless, erratic

Antonym: systematic, organized

Example Sentence:  He made only desultory efforts to learn astrology.



Synonyms: translucent, gauzy

Antonyms: dark, thick

Example Sentence: The gossamer curtains allowed the sunshine to enlighten the room.


  1. SATIETY (NOUN): satisfaction

Synonyms: gratification, fulfillment

Antonyms: lack, scarcity

Example Sentence:  A glass of water before the meal helps you to reach satiety much quicker.


  1. RELIC (NOUN): something from the past

Synonyms: antiquity, souvenir

Antonym: recent, modish

Example Sentence: My grandmother still keeps all the relics from the bygone days.


  1. HARRIED (ADJECTIVE): very busy or pressured

Synonyms: troubled, distressed

Antonyms: calm, relaxed

Example Sentence:  The harried clerk forgot to pay the bills on time.


  1. PUISSANT (ADJECTIVE): powerful

Synonyms: influential, authoritative

Antonyms: ineffectual, insignificant

Example Sentence: The billionaire was a puissant man who had a say in all the political matters


  1. RECANT (VERB): to take back something after saying it

Synonyms: annul, disavow

Antonyms: accept, agree

Example sentence:  The editor had to recant all the accusations and apologize for the same.


  1. MODICUM (NOUN): small amount of

Synonyms: bit, portion

Antonyms: entirety, whole

Example Sentence:  All the employees gave a modicum of their salaries for the noble cause.