Topic Of The Day:-“On a different trajectory

Half a century after the Naxalbari movement arrived like a Spring Thunder over India, questions are beginning to arise as to whether the spark that gave rise to it is in danger of being extinguished. Independent India had previously experienced armed peasant movements, including the Telangana armed struggle and the Tebhaga movement (in Bengal), but the Naxalbari movement seemed to follow a different trajectory. It was ignited by a small group of Bengal revolutionaries (all members of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) formed in 1964) who felt disillusioned with the so-called embourgeoisement of the party which had only recently split from the CPI on the ground it had turned revisionist. Breaking away from the CPI (M), this faction received almost instant endorsement from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) under Mao. This was followed by a few cadres visiting China to receive the benediction of the CCP. In course of time some of the cadres went to China for training.


1) Extinguished

Meaning: Put an end to; destroy.

Example: “hope is extinguished little by little”

Synonyms: Destroy, Annihilate

2) Peasant

Meaning: An ignorant, rude, or unsophisticated person.

Example: “‘That is a civilized drink, you peasant’”

Synonyms: Clown, Lout

3) Trajectory

Meaning: The path followed by a projectile flying or an object moving under the action of given forces.

Example: “the missile’s trajectory was preset”

Synonyms: Course, Orientation

4) Ignited

Meaning: Arouse or inflame (an emotion or situation).

Example: “the words ignited new fury in him”

Synonyms: Arouse, Trigger

Antonyms: Dampen

5) Embourgeoisement

Meaning: The proliferation in a society of values perceived as characteristic of the middle class, especially of materialism.

6) Revisionist

Meaning: A person with a revised attitude to a previously accepted situation or point of view.

Example: “revisionists have argued that the battle was crucial”

7) Benediction

Meaning: The state of being blessed.

Example: “he eventually wins benediction”

Synonyms: Beatitude, Bliss