Q.1 The Paithan (Jayakwadi) Hydro-electric project, completed with the help of Japan, is on the river.  

(A) Ganga

(B) Cauvery

(C Godavari

(D) Narmada

 Q.2 The percentage of irrigated land in India is about.

(A) 45

(B) 65

(C) 35

(D) 25

Q.3 The southernmost point of peninsular India, that is, Kanyakumari, is

(A) north of Tropic of Cancer

(B) south of the Equator

(C) south of the Capricorn

(D) north of the Equator

Q.4 The pass located at the southern end of the Nilgiri Hills in south India is called

(A) the Palghat gap

(B) the Bhorghat pass

(C) the Thalgat pass

(D) the Bolan pass

  1. Which of the following factors are responsible for the rapid growth of sugar production in south India as compared to north India?

I.Higher per acre field of sugarcane

II.Higher sucrose content of sugarcane

III.Lower labour cost

IV.Longer crushing period

(A) I and II

(B) I, II and III

(C) I, III and IV

(D) I, II and IV

6.The principal copper deposits of India lie in which of the following places?

(A) Hazaribag and Singbhum of Bihar

(B) Khetri and Daribo areas of Rajasthan

(C) Anantapur in Andhra Pradesh

(D) Siwaliks in Uttar Pradesh and in Karnataka

7.Which of the following are true regarding Jhum cultivation in India?

I.It is largely practiced in Assam

II.It is referred to as ‘slash and burn’ technique

III.In it, the fertility is exhausted in a few years

(A) I, II and III

(B) II and III

(C) I and II

(D) I and III

8.The Yarlung Zangbo River, in India, is known as

(A) Ganga

(B) Indus

(C) Brahmaputra

(D) Mahanadi

9.The Salal Project is on the river

(A) Chenab

(B) Jhelum

(C) Ravi

(D) Sutlej

Q.10 The only zone in the country that produces gold is also rich in iron is

(A) North-eastern zone

(B) North-western zone

(C) Southern zone

(D) None of the above

Q.11 The percentage of earth surface covered by India is

(A) 2.4

(B) 3.4

(C) 4.4

(D) 5.4

Q.12 Which of the following is/are the major factor/factors responsible for the monsoon type of climate in India?


II.Thermal contrast

III.Upper air circulation

IVInter-tropical convergence zone

(A) I


(C) II, III and IV

(D) I, II, III and IV

Q.13 The present forest area of India, according to satellite data, is

(A) increasing

(B) decreasing

(C) static

(D) decreasing in open forest area but increasing in closed forest area

Q.14 The India’s highest annual rainfall is reported at

(A) Namchi, Sikkim

(B) Churu, Rajasthan

(C) Mawsynram, Meghalaya

(D) Chamba, Himachal Pradesh

Q.15 The refineries are Mathura, Digboi and Panipat are set up by

(A) Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.

(B) Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.

(C) Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.

(D) Crude Distillation unit of Madras Refineries Ltd.

Q.16 What is the predominant type of Indian agriculture?

(A) Commercial agriculture

(B) Extensive agriculture

(C) plantation agriculture

(D) subsistence agriculture

Q.17 The Radcliffe line is a boundary between

(A) India and Pakistan

(B) India and China

(C) India and Myanmar

(D) India and Afghanistan

Q.18 Which of the following has a potential for the harnessing of tidal energy in India? 

(A) Gulf of Cambay

(B) Gulf of Mannar

(C) Backwaters of Kerala

(D) Chilka lake

Q.19 The typical area of sal forest in the Indian peninsular upland occurs

(A) on the western ghats

(B) between the Tapti and the Narmada

(C) to the north-east of the Godavari

(D) on the Malwa plateau

Q.20 The state having the largest area of forest cover in India is

(A) Arunachal Pradesh

(B) Haryana

(C) Madhya Pradesh

(D) Assam

  1. 21 The year ____ is called a Great Divide in the demographic history of India.





Q.22.The only private sector refinery set up by Reliance Petroleum Ltd. is located at





Q.23 The only state in India that produces saffron is


B.Himachal Pradesh

C.Jammu and Kashmir


Q.24.Three important rivers of the Indian subcontinent have their sources near the Mansarovar Lake in the Great Himalayas. These rivers are

A.Indus, Jhelum, and Sutlej

B.Brahmaputra, Sutlej, and Yamuna

C.Brahmaputra, Indus, and Sutlej

D.Jhelum, Sutlej, and Yamuna

Q.25 The zonal soil type of peninsular India belongs to soils

B.yellow soils soils

D.older alluvium

Q.26 The most plausible explanation for the location of the Thar desert in western India is

A.the obstruction caused by the Aravalis to the rain-bearing wind that proceeds to the Ganga Valley

B.the evaporation of moisture from heat

C.the absence of mountains to the north of Rajasthan to cause orographic rainfall in it

D.that the moisture carried by the South-west monsoon is driven away by the dry upper air current

Q.27 The northern boundary of the peninsular plateau of Indian runs parallel to the Ganga and the Yamuna from Rajmahal hills to a point near





Q.28 Which of the following food grain crops occupies the largest part of the cropped area in India?

A.Barley and maize

B.Jowar and bajra



Q.29 The number of major languages, recognized in the Indian Union as official language, are





Q.30 The oldest rocks in India are reported from

A.Dharwar region, Karnataka

B.Aravalli range, Rajasthan

C.Vindhyan range, Madhya Pradesh

D.Siwalik range, Punjab


  1. C
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. D
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C
  11. A
  12. D
  13. B
  14. C
  15. A
  16. D
  17. A
  18. A
  19. D
  20. C
  21. B
  22. B
  23. C
  24. C
  25. A
  26. C
  27. B
  28. C
  29. B
  30. A