1. Scientists recently pulled out the oldest DNA ever found from mammoth teeth. How old is the DNA?
a) 1 million years

b) 2 million years

c) 1 billion years

d) 5 million years

Answer  (a) 1 million years
Scientists have just pulled DNA that’s more than 1 million years old from teeth and tusks left behind by mammoths that traversed an ice-covered Siberia. The teeth and tusks were preserved in the region’s permanently frozen ground.

 2. When is World Day of Social Justice observed?
a) February 19th

b) February 20th

c) February 21st

d) February 22

Answer  (c) February 20th
The World Day of Social Justice is observed on February 20th. The 2021 theme of the day is, “A Call for Social Justice in the Digital Economy.” The digital economy has been transforming the world of work.

 3. Union Cabinet on February 17, 2021 approved the signing of Comprehensive Economic Cooperation and Partnership Agreement (CECPA) between India and which country?

a) Canada

b) Malaysia

c) Mauritius

d) Singapore

Answer (c)  Mauritius

The Union Cabinet on February 17, 2021 approved the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation and Partnership Agreement (CECPA) between India and Mauritius. The Agreement will cover trade in Goods & Services, Telecom, Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), Rules of Origin, Dispute Settlement, Financial services, and cooperation in other areas.

4. Which organisation has planned to launch the World Solar Bank (WSB)?

a) United Nations

b) International Solar Alliance


d) World bank

Answer (b) International Solar Alliance

The International Solar Alliance (ISA) to launch the World Solar Bank (WSB). The launch will likely be announced at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow in November 2021.

5. Which country hosted the virtual health secretary-level meeting of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)?

a) Bangladesh

b) Bhutan

c) India

d) Nepal

Answer (c) India

India hosted the virtual health secretary-level meeting of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) member countries on February 18, 2021.