English Quiz 130



1. The —— of a snow clad mountain is exciting.
A. site
B. cite
C. sight
D. none of these

2. I —– him very well.
A. now
B. no
C. know
D. none

3. His legal —— is sheela.
A. heir
B. hare
C. hair
D. here

4. Raman was —– by the English King.
A. nighted
B. nighed
C. knighted
D. knigretted

5. The king died —–
A. hareless
B. heirless
C. hairless
D. airless

6. Avoid —– eating for healthy living.
A. meet
B. meat
C. meate
D. mete

7. The —– of the cats are sharp.
A. paws
B. pauses
C. pause
D. none of these

8. —– lands have no market.
A. baxen
B. barren
C. baron
D. barron

9. —– is a heavy metal.
A. led
B. lid
C. lead
D. none of these

10. Prasanna had a good —– for stage plays.
A. trup
B. troop
C. trupe
D. troupe

11. The —– is the east.
A. sun
B. son
C. sin
D. soon

12. The child is —— young to go to school alone.
A. to
B. too
C. two
D. none

13. Please remove the —–
A. rid
B. reed
C. read
D. redo

14. It is not healthy to ——— hair.
A. dice
B. dye
C. die
D. dyes

15. The cattle are —– on the meadow.
A. gracing
B. crazing
C. grazing
D. grace

16. The servant —– up the mat.
A. roll
B. rolle
C. rolls
D. role

17. —– is an attractive flower.
A. rows
B. rose
C. rouses
D. none of these

18. It is good to eat orange —– also.
A. peal
B. peels
C. peales
D. none of these

19. —– of you must do the work.
A. sum
B. some
C. same
D. none of these

20. —– him very well.
A. no
B. now
C. know
D. none

1. C
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. D
11. A
12. B
13. B
14. B
15. C
16. C
17. B
18. B
19. B
20. C