TOPIC – Failing on food


The approval of the PM POSHAN scheme by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs until 202526 comes at a critical time when real income declines and the economic impact of the COVID19 pandemic have affected the ability of families to ensure good nutrition. The findings in Phase I of the NFHS5 for 22 States and Union Territories in December 2020 were shocking: childhood stunting rose in 13 States, there was high prevalence of anemia among children and women, and wasting was a serious concern in 12 States. The slippage over the previous survey period exposes the worsening scourge of malnutrition, threatening to deprive millions of children of a fully productive adult life. It will take a serious effort to address this hidden crisis, backed by strong budgetary commitment. The centrally supported hot meal programmed in Government and Government aided schools, covering 11.8 crore children, will be supplemented with nutritional elements in identified aspiration districts and areas with high anemia. The scheme, which is proposed to be extended to preprimary children, provides for social audit, creation of school nutritional gardens to source fresh produce, involvement of farmer producer organizations as providers, and lays emphasis on local food traditions. While these are positive features, momentum towards eradicating malnutrition hinges crucially on annual budgetary outlays and proof of POSHAN’s working will lie in measurable outcomes. Support for the PM POSHAN, which the Government says has been approved over the five-year period at ₹1, 30,794 crore, including ₹1, 31, 733 crore from States and UTs, must remain elastic. While some child growth metrics such as stunting require a longer window to measure, problems such as anemia and low weight lend themselves to speedy amelioration. The Government must demonstrate that Saksham Anganwadi Mission POSHAN 2.0, which amalgamates the POSHAN Abhiyan and schemes covering anganwadis, crèches and adolescent girls, is fiscally stronger than its erstwhile component parts. There must be a meaningful increase in the current Budget estimate over the combined past outlay for the subsumed individual schemes. On nutritional planning, the renewed plan should introduce a greater diversity of diets that compensates for micronutrient and protein deficiency. Strong supplementation of nutrition at school, in the community, and at childcare centers is critical at a time when criticism of food inflation has met with a tone-deaf response, and pandemic induced income declines have depressed essential consumption. The lower off take of food grains for the noon meal scheme during the pandemic over the previous year and patchy food distribution mechanisms in many States should set alarm bells ringing. The future of a generation of Indians is at stake.

The Hindu Editorial Words with meanings, synonyms, and antonyms 


Prevalence (noun) – The fact or condition of being prevalent


Synonyms – Ubiquity, abundance, profusion, iteration, vogue

Antonyms – Rareness, paucity, unpredictability, exception, infrequence


Scourge (noun) – A person or thing that causes great trouble or suffering

Synonyms – Quirt, rawhide, menace, bane, nuisance

Antonyms – Vindicator, ransomed, felicity, redeemer


Aspiration (noun) – A hope or ambition of achieving something

Synonyms – Yearning, hankering, predilection, impetus, relish

Antonyms – Apathy, indolence, lethargy, sloth, insouciance


Emphasis (noun) – Special importance, value, or prominence given to something

Synonyms – Preeminence, accentuation, corroboration, precedence, exaltation

Antonyms – Triviality, frivolity, slightness, litotes, immateriality


Eradicating (verb) – Destroy completely

Synonyms – Obliterate, decimate, annihilate, expunge, deracinate

Antonyms –Implant, foster, propagates, cherish, instill


 Amelioration (noun) – The act of making something better

Synonyms –Anabasis, stride, recuperation, edification, fruition

Antonyms –Impediment, deterrent, encumbrance, crimp, glitch


Amalgamates (verb) – Combine or unite to form one organization or structure

Synonyms –Coalesce, conflate, emulsify, conjugate, conglomerate

Antonyms –Dissever, unyoke, bifurcate, rupture, segregate


Subsumed (verb) – Include or absorb (something) in something else

Synonyms –Embraced, spanned, imputed, boasted, stowed

Antonyms –Precluded, omitted, barred, mislaid, denied


Patchy (adjective) – Existing or happening in small, isolated areas

Synonyms –Dappled, fitful, sporadic, erratic, speckled

Antonyms –Reliable, consistent, unspotted, unwavering, undeviating


Stake (noun) – A share or interest in a business, situation, or system

Synonyms –Agenda, outlay, commitment, ante, holding

Antonyms –Ceding, mulct, abandonment, forfeit, relinquishment