TOPIC OF THE DAY:-“Kerala’s Trauma”

The unprecedented deluge in Kerala unleashed by heavy rain overflowing rivers, brimming dams and massive landslips has overwhelmed the State government and rescue agencies, as they struggle to make a complete assessment of the devastation.

More than 160 people have died since August 8, and several are missing. The State government faces the challenging task of rescuing people who are marooned in far-flung houses in several districts and providing them food and water until the teams get to them. About 2,23,000 people had been moved to more than 1,500 relief camps as of Friday, with more waiting to join. A respite in rainfall has aided the relief efforts, but as Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan acknowledged, it will take a major effort, using a combination of boats and aircraft from the Air Force, the Navy and the Coast Guard and legions of rescue personnel, to get all the stranded people to safety. The reduction in rainfall should help the National Disaster Response Force, which has committed 55 teams, intensify its efforts to reach those who are stranded. In fact, disaster management units in other States too should assist those working on the ground to deal with Kerala’s catastrophic floods; apart from helping, they will gain valuable experience as well. Going forward, the task of reconstruction will have to be addressed, covering public buildings, residential homes, roads and other infrastructure. A subsidised housing programme may be needed in the worst-hit areas, with tax breaks offered to residents.

There is an outpouring of goodwill and support from across the country and even abroad, and the State government has acted quickly to make online contributions to the Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund possible through a dedicated portal. Liberal donations will help the government in large-scale relief and post-flood rehabilitation initiatives. Support groups from neighbouring States such as Tamil Nadu and Karnataka have begun sending relief material, although the disruption to road connectivity has left a lot of it stranded at the inter-State borders. These volunteer efforts can be better targeted if the district authorities in Kerala put out advisories on the nature of relief needed, and the locations and the modalities of transfer. More immediately, it is important to continue with the air-dropping of food, water, candles, matches and other essentials to the worst-hit areas. Many control rooms have been opened, but integrating the mechanism by merging the various phone numbers into three or four, at one per region, and allocating sufficient phone lines, will help citizens use them more easily. Hopefully, the worst is over. With full dams and overflowing rivers, Kerala desperately needs a benign shift in the weather to be able to cope with a disaster on a scale it has never seen before. It indeed needs all the support it can get.


1) Trauma

Meaning: A deeply distressing or disturbing experience.

Example: “his experience of the traumas and the issues of the civil war of the 1260s informed his approach to English affairs when he became king”

Synonyms: Agony, Suffering

2) Deluge

Meaning: A severe flood.

Example: “but tourist operators at countryside and seaside destinations admitted they had suffered from the deluges of the past few weeks”

Synonyms: Flood, Flash

3) Unleashed

Meaning: To be released or become unrestrained.

Example: “on the eve of the wars unleashed by Edward I’s invasion in 1276, Wales had essentially become divided into three zones”

4) Overflowing

Meaning: Flooding or flowing over a surface or area.

Example: “an overflowing river swamped dozens of villages”

5) Brimming

Meaning: Be full to the point of overflowing.

Example: “with their coffers brimming, the public networks can splurge on top talent”

Synonyms: Be filled up

6) Overwhelmed

Meaning: Give too much of something to handle.

Example: “we are overwhelmed by information, so conveying a message that sticks is tougher than ever”

Synonyms: Inundate

7) Assessment

Meaning: The action of assessing someone or something.

Example: “all jobs and people applying for them are reviewed against a stringent risk assessment”

8) Devastation

Meaning: Great destruction or damage.

Example: “the scene was gruesome; the devastation was immediately obvious”

Synonyms: Desolation

9) Personnel

Meaning: People employed in an organization or engaged in an organized undertaking such as military service.

Example: “the service personnel must be above board to gain the respect and assistance of the public”

10) Legions

Meaning: A vast number of people or things.

Example: “for the band’s legion of fans, Metz’s book is a loving walk down memory lane”

11) Acknowledged

Meaning: Admitted or accepted as true, valid, or legitimate.

Example: “to help with paperwork, grading, and simple communication among teachers and students, computers have an acknowledged place”

12) Respite

Meaning: A short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant.

Example: “occasional large rocks offer respite from the wind during a well-earned rest”

Synonyms: Break

13) Rescuing

Meaning: Save (someone) from a dangerous or difficult situation.

Example: “the Norwegian ship then rescued the 430 people”

14) Marooned

Meaning: Leave (someone) trapped and alone in an inaccessible place.

Example: “there were several landslides in the area, where four workers were marooned”

Synonyms: Cast away

15) Flung

Meaning: Distant or remote.

Example: “this is a common disease in far-flung corners of the world”

16) Catastrophic

Meaning: Involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering.

Example: “forecasters are warning that a hurricane making landfall at or near New York City could cause catastrophic damage in the U.S.’s largest urban center”

Synonyms: Destructive

17) Addressed

Meaning: Say or write remarks about something.

Example: “in addition to the scholarly work of the study, he wrote Horace’s Compromise to address its findings to a broader audience”

18) Stranded

Meaning: Left without the means to move from somewhere.

Example: “she offers a lift to a stranded commuter”

19) Contributions

Meaning: The part played by a person or thing in bringing about a result or helping something to advance.

Example: “this is the major contribution of social scientists to the understanding of political life”

20) Essentials

Meaning: Absolutely necessary.

Example: “they understood that cooperation was essential to survival”

Synonyms: Vital, Key


21) Subsidised

Meaning: Having part of the cost of production paid in order to keep the selling price low.

Example: “the mining industry continues to be subsidized”

22) Outpouring

Meaning: Something that streams out rapidly.

Example: “a massive outpouring of charity had made this reconstruction possible”

23) Goodwill

Meaning: Friendly, helpful, or cooperative feelings or attitude.

Example: “you are generous and giving as you share goodwill and hospitality with friends and loved ones”

24) Distress

Meaning: Extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain.

Example: “caring for people experiencing mental distress is often complex and challenging”

Synonyms: Anguish

25) Dedicated

Meaning: Devoted to a task or purpose.

Example: “he leaves a trail of devoted and dedicated dancers, teachers, choreographers, and directors”

Synonyms: Committed

26) Liberal

Meaning: Open to new ideas.

Example: “it’s not a liberal idea that will cause the ruination of civilization”

27) Rehabilitation

Meaning: The action of restoring something that has been damaged to its former condition.

Example: “the bridge requires immediate rehabilitation to remain open”

28) Initiatives

Meaning: The power or opportunity to act.

Example: “game on, or at least one would have thought, but instead of retaining the initiative, they allowed Nemo to lift the siege and find open ground, which they used to far greater effect than the losers”

29) Disruption

Meaning: Disturbance or problems which interrupt an event, activity, or process.

Example: “airport management said today there had been no delays or disruptions to flights”

30) Volunteer

Meaning: A person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task.

Example: “the researchers asked 29 healthy male volunteers aged between 21 and 35 to take part in an experiment”

31) Advisories

Meaning: Having or consisting in the power to make recommendations but not to take action enforcing them.

Example: “we do have an advisory body, but what we need is more active coordination and regulation, ” he stated”

32) Modalities

Meaning: A particular mode in which something exists or is experienced or expressed.

Example: “I will say that some philosophers somehow change the modality in this characterization from can to must”

33) Integrating

Meaning: Various parts or aspects linked or coordinated.

Example: “it is an integrated public transport system”

34) Merging

Meaning: Combine or cause to combine to form a single entity.

Example: “their supporters are revelling in the chance to see their team in action again after the old club merged with Hull FC a year”

35) Allocating

Meaning: Distribute resources or duties for a particular purpose.

Example: “he claims this has prevented vital resources being allocated to tackle the problem”

36) Benign

Meaning: Gentle and kind.

Example: “the bookworm, Benjamin noted, was a gentle creature, a benign agent of history”

37) Cope

Meaning: Deal effectively with something difficult.

Example: “some young people do not cope very well with school and may end up being excluded”

38) Scale

Meaning: A standard system for measuring or grading something.

Example: “this is then graded on a scale of one to 100 with a standard reference food, usually glucose”

39) Assist

Meaning: Help (someone), typically by doing a share of the work.

Example: “they would also assist the senior students in their film projects, and interact with the faculty”

Synonyms: Aid, Abet

40) Targeted

Meaning: A person, object, or place selected as the aim of an attack.

Example: “we’ve seen quite a shift from attacks on civilian targets to stronger attacks on military targets, particularly in the last 10 days”